
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Nature Reserves in Fayoum

Nature Reserves in Fayoum 

Lake Qarun 

Lake Qarun is located in the northwestern part of the province of Fayoum, one of the oldest natural lakes in the world, a remnant of the ancient Lake Morris remaining, and characterized these protected the existence of significant geological formations scientifically and historically, and by a variety of vegetarian groups, and are flocking to a lot of migratory birds and resident, has been discovered fossils of mammals reserve due-old to about 10 million years, as the featured fossils oldest monkey in the world and some of the fossilized trees, and there are some areas of archaeological Pharaonic, Romanian, Coptic (such as churches region - Temple goldsmiths - Temple Karun Palace -) as well as there are some plant fossils and animal.

Wadi Rayan 

Located in the southwestern part of the province of Fayoum consists Wadi Rayan from the upper lake and lower lake, and the waterfalls that reach between the lakes, and the eyes Rayyan south of Lower Lake, and the area of Mount Rayan, a region surrounding the eye, and the Mount retained, which is located near the bottom of the lake.
Features and Wadi El Rayan desert its environment integrated with its sand dunes, natural springs and plant life and different animal variety, as well as marine fossils, as is the waterfalls area of different marine sports areas .. and no reserve, 15 species of wild animals, the most important (Ghazal White - Ghazal Egyptian - Fox funk - Fox sand - wolf) as several types of hawks there are
Natural mechanisms in the Red Sea

Almnjarov protected forests in the Red Sea

The reserve is located between latitudes 22-27 and longitudes 23-37.
And there are forests where many of the turtles and rare plants grow.

Reserve cabled

Location: Located between latitudes 23-35 and longitudes 30-34.

Properties: there are many plains and plateaus where they grow rare plants and animals.

Aldoab protected

Location: Located between latitudes 22-23 and longitudes 35-36.

Properties: contains plains in many marine plants and rare animals.

Reserve Gebel Elba

Location: Located between latitudes 10-22 and longitudes 22-36.

Properties: and is a box containing a mountain which rises 1437 meters above the sea surface and is covered by forests and trees abound and where plants and rare animals and birds.

Valley Beauty protected

Location: Valley of the beauty of the area is 6 to 40 km south of Marsa Alam, a new nature reserve after the end of legal proceedings.
Download the map of natural reserves to maintain.

Alazarnic Balbrdwyl protected

Zaranik wetland Mediterranean Basin Reserve belong and occupies an area of ​​250 km 2 eastern part of Lake Bardawil is located 35 kilometers west of the city of El-Arish and 120 km from the Suez Canal, and includes protected: Lake Zaranik islands of sand inside and along the barrier sand, which is separated from the Mediterranean Sea to the north, where relate Bbogazy Zaranik and Abu Salah lies protected within the scope of the area around the wetland to the east and south is also located in the scope of two historic sites are: Filossiat and Alkhuynat areas and receive Zaranik protected nearly 270 species of migratory birds from Europe and Asia in the seasons migrations towards Africa, and these birds: Alhurcar / White Pelican / Alepesharush / heron / wading birds / gulls / hooks / quail / pasture / Alabalq, also live 7 types of resident birds, including permanent residence: Almka / jokes / Abu warheads Alexandrian / small hook.
And varied wildlife in the reserve where the spread in water lake fish and marine micro-organisms and sea grass grows on the sand about 155 species of plants and herbs pastoral and natural (such as: Alosmam / tribe / Adr / broom / Almtnan / Algrdq / chin Gin), and live in the protected range ground objects, including 19 species of mammals (Calerbua and Alguenalfd and Fox funk and never had sand) and 24 species of reptiles (such as: lizard sand / Alsagnkor / reclamation / sued mountain / chameleon / Alorl / live Alqraa) in addition to the Egyptian wild tortoise, as protected is the most important breeding sites tortoiseshell amphibious two types: green and a large head.
And has been inserted Zaranik protected under the Ramsar List of the world, and are currently being implemented maintenance of wetlands and coastal Mediterranean Basin and regions Project The project aims to achieve sustainable development in the protected scope of the exception to reconcile the interests of the local population and considerations to maintain the nature reserve, offering protected range of services including places of camping and control kiosks and reserve, there is a museum and a conference hall.
Group of oases
Oasis word used often to describe the place where the worries of everyday life memorable and Mchagaha and relax and rest for your renewed. This description applies to the oases of Egypt, as it is a haven for pure air rights to resort to escape from the hassles of modern life, and the manifestations of civilized middle of the desert. Surrounded by sand and sky from every side Vilashy sense of time and the associated tension, and this is something rare in this time. Human nature has coexistence here since the Stone Age, but the stars and rock formations and sand dunes defy human accounts of the time are not affected by it. Egyptian oases characterized as the most versatile and the oases of the world, each with its own character and where I lived, you enjoy the calm that characterizes the life of the Bedouins, and palm trees and towers bathroom. If you're looking for excitement and adventure, you should explore the majesty and grandeur of the desert camel ride or do safaris by jeeps and spend your night sky twinkling star mused, or diving in the morning in the eyes of phosphorous hot waters and soils with many therapeutic properties.
And are available in beautiful areas in St. Catherine, Mount Moses and Dakhla Oasis, Kharga, where interested tourists to monitor the animals in the desert and migratory birds from one place to another, as this type of tourism in the mountains surrounding the area of ​​Sharm el-Sheikh is available, providing tourism and tents companies and equipment necessary nomadic life until tourists can to experience this life, which combines the simplicity and harshness of the desert mountain nature

The discovery of 11 mummies in the Bahariya Oasis, Egypt

Archaeologists discovered the Egyptians working in the Bahariya Oasis in Bawiti 11 new mummy, mummy, including a child at the age of three years.
Also found a golden mask embodies case was the subject of crying on the baby's face, which confirms that the child's parents, who were buried with him had died before him. Hawass pointed out that the importance of this discovery lies in the masks are installed on the face of the mummies excavated.
It is the first time that the Egyptians where prospectors found mummies embody expressions of the faces. He said that the history of the discovered mummies dating to 1800 years ago, and specifically the Greek era Romania. It is believed that the city of the dead discovered in Bahariya Oasis includes ten thousand mummy, discovered 300 of them so far.
The mummies of the 11 members of the extracted one family, installed on all masks embody the image of the mummy in the last moment of her life. It embodies a face masks decorated woman cosmetic colors, her eyes broad Mekhaltan Two-Line, which proves that the family is rich.
In the neighboring region to the family tomb, the researchers found my father's coffin and Bahariya governor who buried five hundred years before the birth of Christ. Date back all the mummies discovered to the twenty sixth dynasty pharaohs.
Bahariya Oasis covers an area of two miles square cemetery, dating back to 330 and 400 BC. These mummies were buried when he lived in the city about 500 thousand people, while the population of Egypt in that period amounted to seven million people.
Nature Reserves Paswan

Saluja protected and Ghazal Islands

The reserve is located within the Nile River, about 3 km north of Aswan Reservoir is a very unique and distinct natural green environment Peixaúha.
It is also a shelter for many rare birds resident and visitor and immigrant, as these protected feature about 94 species of plants, has been limited to more than 60 species of rare and endangered birds, some of them recorded by the ancient Egyptians effects such as black ibis. And endangered birds: chickens and punishment Alsnaria purple water that have great utility in cleansing the environment of agricultural pests and decaying remnants.
Among the resident and visiting birds: Bittern and Hoopoe and Egyptian geese, bee and bird of paradise and the nightingale and others.

Wadi Allaqi protected

The reserve is located 180 km east of Aswan, and spans the valley 275 km long with an average width of one km, this protected the advantage of being considered a fertile area of basic research, particularly those related to studies of geology, animals and plants, have been recorded about 92 species of evergreens and annuals such as : Alklkh and Handal and Alcino and siwaak and others. And 15 species of mammals, such as goats and camels, wild ass, gazelles, hyenas, and others.
As you live 16 species of resident birds such as falcons and bustards and partridges and vulture and punishment, ducks, ostriches and other. This is in addition to some types of reptiles such as snakes and scorpions, as characterized by a large number of invertebrates, most of which live under shrubs such as ants and beetles, which have an important role in the ecological balance and fertility of the soil, has been the reserve is included under the list of biosphere reserves under the auspices of the Organization UNESCO.
Protected also aims to preserve the genetic resources of plants, animals and birds, and the emphasis on sustainable development based on sound environmental grounds.

Natural tray protected

Mount is located tray (1437 meters) in the far south-east of Egypt corner, and is characterized as facing North winds laden with moisture that condenses in the form of fog on a cold climate and high mountain slopes, allowing the existence of many trees, including Alonept tree of which there are outside the box area in Egyptian desert ..!
Abound in the valleys mussels Lalob trees in abundance, which is the fruit of high medical benefit, we also find runny trees in unusual density more closely resembles the open jungle, and live on this dense trees bird Lanius pink chest, a bird resident does not exist in Egypt, but in the tray area .. !

Ras Mohammed National Park

Located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba in the southern part of the Sinai, about 12 kilometers from Sharm el-Sheikh and include examples of the most important geologic features in the Sinai, which is considered the most beautiful diving areas in the world to the existence of fossils by dating back to 75 000 in addition to the richness of coral reefs The neighborhoods have been converted Albraih.oukd Ras Mohammed area into a nature reserve in 1982.

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