
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Medical Tourism in Egypt

Medical Tourism 

The most important places for medical tourism in Egypt 

Egypt has 16 locations internally and coastline where natural treatments for many diseases, especially the rheumatic diseases and vitiligo and psoriasis Among the most famous of those Helwan areas known as the sacred healing the city and the Valley Mariot and Wadi Natrun Oasis Minya Western Sahara Oasis of Amun and Ain Sukhna bathrooms Cleopatra in the Red Sea and the other is available. The estimated number of distributed eyes in most parts of Egypt by 1356 in kind, including five in the eyes of Helwan and 3 in Ain El Sira and 36 in Fayoum and 4 in Wadi Rayan and 33 in the Sinai Peninsula and 315 in the Navy Oasis and 106 in Siwa in addition to the huge number an estimated 564 in the Dakhla Oasis and 188 in post and 75 in Farafra and the rest is spread in the Gulf of Suez and the dropper and Wadi Natrun and neighbor.
Egypt is famous for its mineral waters Bmdnha sulfur dry and free of moisture and the atmosphere and the content of soil and sand silt favor for the treatment of many diseases, and the multiplicity of its beaches and water seas, with its distinctive physical properties.
Has spread in Egypt sulfur and mineral eye characterized by chemical installed unique and which exceeds the rate of all the sulfur springs and mineral in the world as well as on the availability of silt in pools of these sulfur springs with its properties of therapeutic cures many of the bones and gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory and skin diseases and other illnesses, He also popularized hospitalization for patients with rheumatism hinge by burial in the sand as the research confirmed that the Red Sea waters chemical their content and the presence of coral reefs which helps healing of psoriasis and multiple tourist areas, which have the advantage of medical tourism in Egypt, a renowned historical regions ancient, such as: Helwan , Ain El Sira, Ain Sokhna, Hurghada, Fayoum, the oasis area, Aswan, Sinai, and finally the city of Safaga parked on the Red Sea coast, which owns all the medical tourism elements that Tamha all tourist groups and come fame that black sand have the ability to get rid of some skin diseases .

One of the most important places for medical tourism in Egypt as follows: -

Salinas Burj Al Arab .. treasure for medical tourism

Medical tourism has become an integral part of the global tourism system and despite the availability of medical tourism elements in Egypt, however, features not completed yet, despite its success multiple areas on the Red Sea, such as Mount Sinai on the Gulf of Suez and Sharm el-Sheikh on the Gulf of Aqaba .. and Arab tourists who still seeking treatment go to the Dead Sea in Israel because of the potential for tourism which offers there despite the fact that the Dead Sea is full of metal contaminants which cause reduce the success rate of treatment required. Scientific research has been conducted recently demanded the need to exploit the potential of the site Salinas Burj Al Arab in terms of the presence of brines natural high and appropriate atmosphere in the field of environmental hospitalization for psoriasis and other diseases focus.
The salt pans of water from natural origin, which sea water is characterized by Salinas Burj Al Arab water existence of special conditions related to the environment of the construction and the design and organization of the basins and gelling and sanitation focus, can control the degree of focus either mitigation or focus, and this Bmlahat Burj Al Arab water feature if used in the purposes of hospitalization from psoriasis and that access to the required time for focus, as characterized by Salinas Burj Al Arab presence of hills north and south of the navigation works Khaút repel natural against the wind and sandstorms, and Joe the region free of pollution lingering impurities which the dispersion of the sun's rays, and there is also a basin-like bays (calm water) does not have waves works as a mirror to reflect the sun's rays to the earth's surface, in addition to the very high salinity increase of up to seven times more water in the Gulf of Safaga, and thus ease the buoyancy and reduce gravitational forces, which leads to a significant improvement in the activity of the blood circulation in the body and thus increase the amount of blood that reaches the skin and thus the balance between the amount of salts inside the body and outside happen, and this balance has a significant impact on the speed of healing psoriasis. In addition to all this region has the natural elements and stunning aesthetic privileged site helps to relax the patient and improve his mood.
These features of the Salinas Burj Al Arab makes it a competitor is important in the natural hospitalization for patients with psoriasis, especially for areas of the Dead Sea, which has a significant, such as the absence of the sun disadvantages in the region during the autumn and winter, and drop the Dead Sea area from the sea 390 meters, making it unsuitable for heart patients, and increase the element ratio bromine is a disease that causes skin allergies .. and for all of this can be used as environmental and climatic conditions the concentration of salts Bmlahh Burj Al Arab for the treatment of psoriasis patients and the development of the Burj Al Arab region on the map of medical tourism.
As for the method of operation of Salinas Burj Al Arab, this is done by feeding the focus basins, which begins from the bathroom city of seawater through an extended pipe line in the sea along the 250 meters, and this line ends Bmasorten subgroups per length of each 5 meters are on their way sea water withdrawn, and pour Almasortan in the orchard where the sea water clarification in Bayyara to get rid of impurities, sand, fish and marine organisms, and then this water is withdrawn to the core pipe flowing clean seawater in the focus basins, with a basin area of ​​primary focus 6 km along the width of 1.8 km, and in this basin are precipitation of carbonate salts. The water is transferred from the basin first focus to the basin second focus through two gates and leave the water to concentrated, and in this basin are precipitation of gypsum salts, and then transmits the solution of Lake second focus of the crystallization of the deposition of sodium chloride evaporation solar, and the number of sedimentation basins in Salinas Burj Al Arab 5 basins four of them per area of ​​70 meters in width along the 1200 meters, while the fifth amounts to a length of 1000 meters and width of 700 meters, and the salt is deposited at a concentration of 26 to 28 Baume Baume, this is the way to run a full navigation Burj Al Arab.
And the intervention of Alexandria in the field of medical tourism, especially that Joe Borg El-Arab completely commensurate with this project because the temperatures moderate humidity with a temperature between 15 and 20 ° C, which affects mood and health status of the tourists who wanting hospitalization, especially as tourist therapeutic advantage for the tourist normal length of residence in the city of substitute treatment as this period ranging from two to four weeks, in addition to the spending rate will be multiplied for this tourist .. I must emphasize that it is not necessary to serve the medical tourism only patients, but extends to the healthy and businessmen who want recreation and away from the rhythm of life where trendy tourist enjoy calm and beauty in the inundation of suitable mineral water salinity and then practice some sports light.
I would like to point out that the first of the scientific basis for medical tourism in Egypt mode is Dr. "Hassan Bek Mahmoud wise" through the manuscript, which was discovered inside the municipal library Bmahram your entitled to "the fountain brink of chilling in the pools of Helwan," which placed nearly 127 years
Medical Tourism in Ismailia
Helps dry and mild climate throughout the year and the cleanliness of the environment from pollution to encourage this type of tourism
Sinai Medical Tourism
The South Sinai elevated area characterized by calm and low humidity and the presence of Mieh sulfur that are suitable for the treatment and cure of many diseases and also the hot sand soft in some areas and which are useful for the treatment of rheumatic diseases in addition to the famous types of many natural herbs and plants that are used in medicine and treatment .

The most important therapeutic tourism teacher

Bath Pharaoh

And away from the tunnel Martyr Ahmed Hamdi about 110 km and consists of fifteen named them hot from inside the cave water flowing mountain located beach range temperature between 55 to 75 ° C and the tests proved the possibility of the use of mineral water in the hospitalization of thoracic and skin diseases and certain eye diseases were contracted to create a spa in this global region.

Moses bath

The city of Mount Sinai and the flowing waters of the five eyes pour into the bath tub surrounded a building, according to the form of sulfur that bring water temperature of 37 ° C in the healing of many rheumatic diseases and skin and Gary create a global spa bath area of Moses.
Medical Tourism Paswan
There are also medical tourism enjoyed by the Aswan renowned destination besides being interested in the treatment of various diseases, the most important of which was treating rheumatism primitive ways to inform the patient's body hot desert sand.
Several research has been conducted to know the experts and international institutions have proved the validity of Joe Aswan in the treatment of chronic diseases due to its high levels of ultraviolet radiation, and low humidity, where up to 43.4% during the period from December to March, while the ratio in England during the same period between 75% to 100%.
As the sun throughout the year with dry weather Ikunan an ideal environment for the treatment of rheumatic diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic kidney inflammation.
There Aswan two centers for the treatment of sand and water, it is proposed to establish a tourist village in the area extending between Cataract Hotel and Aswan Reservoir include a private physiotherapy centers, and clinics for patients with rheumatism and skin diseases, and accommodation for theaters, cinemas, sports stadiums, and building berths for boats Nilotic and cruise ships .
As is known, the region has been known treatment primitive manner of burial in sand
Medical Tourism in Helwan
There area of Helwan in Cairo a group of sulfur springs, sulfur baths containing sulfur and mineral water, which is used in the treatment of tourism services, which attract a large number of tourists has the National Center for Egyptian research has studied the phenomenon of environmental recuperation in Egypt and has sent 109 patients Romatoyd articular chronic active for hospitalization Safaga area for a period of four weeks, during which they were natural factors in the region and the surrounding sand black and exposure to the sun for three hours per day.
It was an assessment of the clinical cases before and after the exposure period was also the follow-up of cases for a period of six months to see how improved their condition have also been compared to cases were treated with drugs and preliminary study results showed a clear improvement Oklnikia in 84% of cases.
And continued improvement in 46% of cases after a six-month period, as the blood sedimentation velocity declined significantly in 57% and this decline continued after the six-month period. Low concentration of rheumatoid factor significantly in 36% of cases also continued.
It also proved from the black sand analysis it contains three simple rates of radioactive elements are not harmful but are useful in the treatment.
Thus, make sure that the phenomenon of environmental hospitalization in the city «Safaga» is not just a natural remedy, but their impact on the speed of blood sedimentation coefficient rheumatoid strongly suggest the potential impact on the immune system is dysfunctional in patients with rheumatoid articular
Medical Tourism in Damietta
The tourist Djerbi area of outstanding attractions and overlooking the Nile where lined with casinos on the beach and come to swim Nile and swimming quiet fans and is considered one of the most important treatment areas natural has known since ancient existence of mounds of dry sand that benefit in the treatment of rheumatism, helped by its location and vacant faces of humidity and purity of soft yellow sand containing thorium material used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases has benefited Damietta Governorate in this region in the establishment of physiotherapy center and provide it with the latest modern equipment to activate the therapeutic tourism

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