
Tuesday 28 October 2014

France for Foreign

Name: French Republic or France
(French: République française or France)
Capital: Paris
Official Language: French
System: Federal Republic of
Currency: EUR CNN and FBI francs (EUR)
Time difference: +1 (UTC)
Dial code: +33+
International Internet code: .fr
National motto: Liberté, & Eacute; galité, Fraternité (Liberty, equality, fraternity)
Alnchedalutunai: [to Amarsezo Almarcelih Arabic (French: La Marseillaise)]

History of France 

France occupies the country's most current space upon which the country Galh (Gaule) with Celtic origins. Became the country Galh then a Roman province. Germanic tribes came to the area around the fourth century. One of these tribes settled and the region known as the Franks. With the demise of the Romanian Empire gave the tribe its name to the country (France) later.

United the region covered by France today for the first time in 486 AD. King Clovis I (Clovis Ier) BLM Germanic tribes included under the banner of the tribe of the Franks. New Kingdom included several tribes such as Alolaman (Alamans), Albergndion (Burgondes) and Algot Westerners (Wisigoths). After the unit broke Kingdom (which was called the country's Galh) to kingdoms, sentenced each of them the children of a family Almirovengiyn (Mérovingien). United the region covered by France today for the first time in 486 AD. Frenki King Clovis I (Clovis Ier) BLM Germanic tribes included under the banner of the tribe of the Franks. New Kingdom included several tribes such as Alolaman (Alamans), Albergndion (Burgondes) and Algot Westerners (Wisigoths). After the unit broke Kingdom (which was called the country's Galh) to kingdoms, sentenced each of them the children of a family Almirovengiyn (Mérovingien).

Middle of the eighteenth century replaced Alcarawlingiyn strain (Carolingiens) replaces Almirovengiyn (Mérovingien) and has expanded the Frankish kingdom land.

Kingdom became the Frankish empire with the coronation of Charlemagne (Charlemagne). Department of vast empire of Charlemagne in 806 between the three-Pepin Sons, and Louis, and Charles. But Pepin died in 810, and Charles in 811, leaving only these sons of Louis, and was busy in worship Anamaka appeared with him is that he ought to govern a world full of turmoil and treachery. However, Lewis first despite this may raise the ceremony in the majestic 813 from King to Emperor.

And after the death of Louis I divided the Frankish kingdom again. Two of these kingdoms Amrta, the Kingdom of East Vrinkea (Francia orientalis) formed later Germany and the Kingdom of Western Vrinkea (Francia occidentalis), which accounted for France. In 842 AD the descendants of Charlemagne contract section of Strasbourg in Strasbourg (serments de Strasbourg). This document is the decade of the oldest written documents contrasting bilingual (Altodask and Romans) at the time. Some historians in France this document is holding the official birth of the country as well as France and Germany.

Alcarawlinjeon rule (Carolingiens) Frankish kingdom until the year 987 AD. This year has been the culmination of Duke Hugh Capet (Hugues Capet) king of the country and replaced so a new strain is a strain Kabacin (Capétiens). The last descendants of the land to expand the scope of property (le domaine royal), and tightened the new pillars of the state since the 12th century. Kabasah dynasty ruled France directly or through other branches until the French Revolution in 1789 AD.

After the French Revolution, has been dropped and the Royal Proclamation of the Republic. With the establishment of the first French Empire dominated almost the entire Europe. These efforts have scattered forces the French state in the face of the first enemy of the United Kingdom. During the era of the Second Empire (Second Empire) knew the beginning of the country's industrial revolution. Solutions with the Third Republic (troisième République) France became a colonial empire owns a wide stretch from Africa to Asia.

Despite the exit from the war victorious World Wars I and II. The latter cost a great loss of human lives and economic resources. France was lucky Banzmamha the Western camp. The country has known a significant growth period during the three decades that followed the war (30 glorieuses).

Since 1958 and with the establishment of the Fifth Republic (Cinquième République) became the country's democratic presidential system (The president is elected by the people and enjoy greater) powers. The goal was to withstand the storms that have defined the country before and that did not work in the republic's parliamentary system stopped.

Since year 1990, then allowed reconcile cooperation of Germany and France for the two countries to play a role in the new engine of the European construction. I knew the two policy success with the founding of the European Common Market. Today France is leading the movement want to give Europe greater political role in the world.

Geographic France
While the main part of France is located in Western Europe, France also consists of land in North America, the Caribbean, South America, Western Indian Ocean and the South, the North and South Pacific, and Antarctica (not recognized by most countries).

France possesses a wide variety of landscapes, ranging from the coastal plains in the north and west, where the juxtaposition of France North Atlantic Sea, to the mountains in the south-western region and the Alps in the south-eastern region, which contains the highest point in Western Europe (4810 meters). In the middle rocky and wooded areas of high density, in addition to the destruction of the river basin.

Because of its divisions behind many seas and lands scattered in all the oceans of the planet, France has the second largest Special Economic Zones (EEZ) in the world, covering 11,035,000 km 2, just behind the United States Special Economic Zone (11.351.000 square kilometers), and by region Special Economic Australia (8.232.000 square kilometers). France special economic zone covers about 8% of the total surface of each special economic zones of the world, while the only area of ​​the French Republic area 0.45% of the total land area of the Earth

Government and Politics
Was approved constitution of the Fifth Republic by a public referendum on the September 28, 1958. This Constitution limits the powers of government (executive branch) in front of the parliament (legislature). According to the constitution is elected President of the Republic to the custody of the five-year term (the period is 7 years). The president thanks to his powers ensuring the functioning of the public authorities and the continuity of the state institutions. The latter appoints the prime minister, also chairs the meetings of the government, leads the armed forces and conclude agreements.
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) is the first legislature in the country. NPC deputies are elected (Algriqh first) every five years. Senate (Sénat) -algrfah second of parliament, and its members have since the year 2004 the custody period of 6 years (she was 9 years old). This Council limited powers. In the event of disagreement with the initial first room given the National Council.

Economy in France
France's economy integrates the work of a free comprehensive (about 2.5 million registered company). The government maintains a great influence on the major pieces of the infrastructure sectors, the king of the majority of the railway companies, electricity, aircraft, and communication. The government is slowly liquidate shares in France Telecom, Air France, as well as insurance, banking, and defense factories.

France, a member of a group of major industrial countries, ranked the fifth largest economy in the world economy in 2004, after the United States, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. France joined 10 other members of the European launch of the euro on January 1, 1999, with the European coins and banknotes, which replaced the French franc fully in early 2002.

According to a report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED), in 2004 France was the fifth-largest exporter of manufactured goods in the world, after the United States, Germany, Japan, and China, (but before the United Kingdom). She was also the fourth-largest importer of manufactured goods (after the United States, Germany, and China, and by the United Kingdom and Japan).

Also according to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (OCED), in 2003 France was a member of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which got more foreign direct investment. B US $ 47 billion in foreign direct investment, France ranked by the United States (US $ 39.9 billion), the United Kingdom (US $ 14.6 billion), Germany (US $ 12.9 billion), Japan (US $ 6.3 billion).

At the same time, French companies invested 57.3 billion US dollars outside of France, making it the classification of France as the second most important outward direct investor in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), after the United States (173.8 billion US dollars), and by the United Kingdom (55.3 billion US dollars), Japan (US $ 28.8 billion), Germany (US $ 2.6 billion).

France is also the second largest producer in the country for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (except Norway and Luxembourg). In 2003, the GDP per Saahaml in France 47.2 US dollars, which ranked France after Belgium (US $ 48 per hour), and by the United States (US $ 43.5 per hour), and Germany (US $ 40.6 per hour), and the United Kingdom (US $ 37.7 per hour), and Japan (US $ 30.9 per hour).

Although the production rate is higher than the United States, GDP per capita of France is lower than the US GDP per capita. In fact, in 2003, 41.5% of the French population are working, compared to 50.7% in the United States, and 47.3% in the United Kingdom. This phenomenon is the result of thirty years of massive unemployment in France, which led to three results reduce the size of the working people: about 10% of the population without work; students are delaying their entry into the labor market whenever possible; and give the French government's various incentives to workers to retire early Khmsinathm, with currently it subsides.

Many economists also stressed repeatedly over the years that the main issue of the French economy is not the cause of the production rate. In their view, is the core issue of reforms, in order to increase the number of public employees.

With more than 75 million foreign tourists in 2003, France classified Kalatjah first tourist in the world, by Spain (52.5 million) and the United States (40.4 million). As for France cities have a high cultural interest (such as Paris), and the beaches and seaside resorts, and ski resorts, and rural areas enjoy the beauty and tranquility.

France is the largest independent power Western countries because of the heavy investment in nuclear power, which makes France the smallest producer of carbon dioxide among the seven most industrialized countries in the world. Large areas of fertile land, the application of modern technology, and the collection of European subsidies have made France a leading agricultural producer in Europe.

Education in France
France enjoys a prestigious education reputation, universities French famous Btakrejeha scientists have won the Nobel Prize, with that university education is different in France stages for the rest of the world, we find BA Awalmitris (Licence / Maîtrise) in the first phase of the university which are equivalent to Bachelor Degree or (Bachelor) in other countries, and a certificate of advanced studies Diplôme d'études approfondies) DEA) in the second phase, which is equivalent master's degree or (Master) known. There are many countries that apply the French model of higher education, such as Switzerland, Belgium, the Canadian Francophonie some areas, and some Arab countries such as Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon.

Also differs from the French model of university dividing universities to departments and colleges on a digital basis or alphabetical by county, we find, for example, the University of Paris (University of Paris 1 Sorbonne 0.2 Paris Asesas, to No. 13, Paris North), the university and has more than 300 000 students. And each college, such as a short name (IEP) and Political Studies (HEC) business and economic graduate or known (Business School) in Anglo-Saxon countries.

There is a modern university agreement between the European countries, known as the Convention on the Bologna (Bologna), this agreement aims to unify the systems and the names of all undergraduate degrees in European universities to facilitate the transition and the work of students and graduates in the EU measures

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