
Tuesday 28 October 2014



To go to the city of Venice (Venice) there for the first two methods by express train Eurostar journey takes three hours and the value of the ticket 60 euros or by air on Italian lines (Alitalia) and takes approximately the journey of one hour and the ticket price up to 200 euros go and return.
Vanessa city floating on the water you can imagine that he has no car and never a means of transfer is the only small boat. An ancient city in terms of its buildings and alleys and remember visiting the old covenants for Europe and also its hotels are not envisaged by those luxury visitor to Venice. But that does not prevent the splendor of the city and the tranquility and beauty of the beautiful scenery and it is my view that the three days very adequate to wander around this ancient city, which inspired poets and artists in their creations.

((The most important tourist attractions))

1. Bridge Rellato Rialto Bridge.
The story of this bridge is that after a few years in 1500, established the Venice competition in the design of bridges for the purpose of replacing the old wooden bridges that were cut off the Grand Canal, the Grand Canal. The winner of the bridge was designed by Antonio who pour the bulk of his attention the actual design of the bridge is more than interested in decor and secondary motifs, and it was taking into account in the determination to be the cost of the bridge in a reasonable limit of what was going through the Venice of difficult economic conditions after the wars against the Turks and became the bridge later the most important bridges of Venice and became surrounded by shops selling fine jewelry and glass products which is famous Venice. This has become the region (the Rialto) the heart of commerce in Venice, which is famous for its shops as well as fruits and vegetables of all kinds.

2-Grand Canal channel Alqrand.
It is the main channel in the city and lined with many restaurants and cafes that offer luxury and culinary delicacies of the Italian kitchen and sit at sunset where the fun is indescribable.

3- Piazza San Marco Square Pisa San Maroc.
For several centuries ago, and this scene is the destination of tourists and analgesic pigeons that give the scene a joyous atmosphere, and revolves around life in Venice this arena, they are tireless movement and the crowds continued with the presence of cafes that offer their patrons with live instrumentals. This scene is truly splendid arena on earth ...

4- Doge's Palace and the Ducal Palace in Arabic.
This stunning palace is a luxury and luxury for those architectural era title. Initially, Ducal Palace was built in the ninth century to be a fortress, then rolled expansion operations on this palace since the twelfth century ... in the year 1438 AD palace took its final shape with the exception of some of the decorations that were added afterwards. From the inside, there are many large luxury rooms containing paintings painted on the ceilings and stunning décor beyond the border. Visitors can take a tour of the palace through the reception rooms and lounges rich plush decor and filed with antiques on three floors. The palace contains many paintings of famous artists such as Tintoretto and Tiziano and Veronese.
                                                                            Taxi in Venice



When you travel by air to Milan where there is a marker first two airports Malpensa (MXP), this airport is about 50 kilometers from the center of Milan, I would not recommend to travel through it in order to avoid the taxi fare by up to 70 euros to drive you to the city center. There is an airport, another of Winata Airport, which is about 7 kilometers east of Milan only! The best way to navigate in Milan are the underground train or also called Pal Metro, ticket daily EUR 3 allows you to use the buses as well as .oalphendq who advise faithful is the Marriott, which is located in the city center ... Speaking of Milan, it is the city of the second elegance after Paris and so the large number of famous shopping stores such as Giorgio Armani, Versace, Gucci, diesel, Benton, Terranova, Jvenci.
It is best to make the last Milan Station because it is purely a commercial industrial city has no distinctive except some churches and museums related and which are not worth addressing, or interest in Bha.omedinh Milan attractions are not worth more than three full days to shop inside ..
((The most important commercial centers in Milan)))
1- Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
This complex contains the finest in global flanks shops, restaurants, libraries, very upscale. This complex was designed in 1865.

((Picture of the market from the inside))

2. Buenos Aires street in Milan all brands luxury, a major street in the city, and there are shop (Office) (oviesse great) Vosaarh in the month (7.8) fictional, and you'll find clothing suitable, especially for women and children, as well as Almkaj and perfumes.
3-street (Via Brera), a popular market is characterized by cheap prices.
4-Barbarossa Street, a street where there is a heavy-caliber boutiques all its Italian brands such as Armani, and Jvenci, and Versace, the main centers for these companies.
5. discount goods market (out let center) is located on the outskirts of Milan and covered most of the products offered discounts of up to 70% sometimes.
As reported previously the city of Milan for shopping and just ended our trip here in Milan, which is normal after shopping and gifts are to return to your homes ..

And I like to note that there is a small town on the way back the name of Pisa and contain one of the Seven Wonders of a Leaning Tower of Pisa and the private museum by the faithful for a way to explain the reasons for its construction and Malana and everything related to the history of the tower.

Anyone who is visiting Italy must not only pass on the city of Pisa for a lifetime to have the opportunity to climb the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Pisa to see the city from the top surface of the top of the Leaning Tower of ...

Italy for Foreign


Official label: Italian Republic
Area: 301.225 km 2

Population: 57,998,353 people
Capital: Rome

Official languages: Italian
Religion: Catholic Christian

Political System: Republican, with views of the country enjoy the kind of autonomy.
Verdict: a democratic parliamentary system


Legends in large recounted for Taséa:

Legend has it that Rome was founded by Romulus, with the help of his brother Remus, hunters who were their mother is Rhea Silvia priest in the temple of God, Vista God burner On the day when you were going to the orchard in March God appeared to her in the form of a human and raped her was from the assumptions that the priestesses of the temple virgins jailing and put two children in a box and threw in the river until the Fund settled on the beach Frathma lupus were laid Varedathma. Killed his brother and became the first king of the city. Formed the ancient Romanian peoples in the eighth or ninth century BC, when northern tribes came to the Italian peninsula to settle at a depth of the Tiber River. For several centuries, over time, Rome was the most important city in the Western world, when it was the capital of the Romanian Empire. With the advent of Christianity and spread the call, Rome became the center of the Christian religion and the headquarters of the popes of the Catholic Church. In the Middle Ages, especially after the decline of the Romanian Empire, Rome entered a dark era. Brighten the star again in the Renaissance and became one of the artists and writers through the political capital of Italy for Europe
It was agreed that the likely date of the founding of Rome in 753 BC, is

Italian Capital ::

Rome (Italian: Roma) English (rome) is the capital and largest city of Italy. Located in the center of the State of Italy on the banks of the River Alteverh and a population of about 2,555,000 people. Rome is the capital of the province about 3615972 people, and also the capital of the Lazio region of about 5.27 million. Ratio was named to the Romans. The city was in ancient times the capital of the Romanian Empire and became the capital of modern Italy since 1871, is the capital of the province of Latium administrative division and Rome.
For several centuries, called the eternal city of Rome, earned the title of being one of the greatest and most important cities in Western civilization, it was the capital of the Romanian Empire, and it is now the spiritual heart of the Catholic Church of Romania. Since 1871 and is the capital of united Italy

Rome City Tourist ::

One of the most important landmarks in general Italy, and Rome in particular, which is the Colosseum, which began rebuilt Emperor Vespasian in 69 AD and was completed in 80 AD construction. With a height of 49 meters and a capacity of 45 thousand spectators.

Memorial to King Vittorio Emanuele II, which was built in honor of the King after the unification of Italy in 1870 and regarded as the country's capital, Rome, Giuseppe Sacconi has designed this special structure in 1885 was the opening of a teacher in 1911.

Roman Roma.o is in the field of government arena for the rulers of ancient Rome, which is the administrative and judicial center of the old Empire and the Republic of Romania. The Romans mean this field to receive the speeches and sermons and surrounds this field on many buildings Romanian Empire Alraúahkan called on this field in the Old Testament name Romanum

Castle St. Ongelo.hidt year 130 AD mausoleum of Emperor "Adriano" and is considered one of the greatest shrines in the world, and in the year 271 AD the "Aureliano," the construction of a massive wall around the castle, and around the fortress sheltering him from enemies.

State of the Vatican City State Alfatykan.tattabr the smallest country in the world, with an area of ​​about 44 hectares, less than half a square kilometer, has been widely believed that the Principality of Monte Carlo is the smallest country in the world where the emirate of 2 square kilometers,

Fountain Fountain Trifula.ohzh very popular and there is a belief at the Italian and foreign tourists that if you wish to achieve security, but what you have to throw a piece of metal inside and say your wish ((of course downright myths and created in God Han))

Nazionale Street Altjara.aattabr Nazionale Street at the present time, the most important commercial streets in the Italian capital Rome, and was frequented by many tourists and Italians to the shop, and starts from the People's Square, and ends to the Piazza Venezia.

Del Korjsu.ovi Street this street there are many clothing stores and leather good Italian industry and prices appropriate as there are many Italian restaurants that offer delicious pasta dishes and pizza with your taste.

All about Paris


The most prominent landmarks Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees Avenue Choralla months and months
Cafes where the cafe Alfokih



It is located in the Champs finest and most luxurious cruise the streets of the whole world that he
There luxuries Aoariqy shops and global brands such as high-end restaurants
Pizza Pino restaurant, where there is also a cafe and Rdidor Ktherhfaha cafes
On the side of the pavement and roads


And the forest park Balonea famous lake where there is a preferred
For lovers of romance and atmosphere, as well as gentle exercises where most of the population
Walking and running in the corners of the park and passes by the Seine River, and has amended
The course of the Seine River, so that enters the center of the capital Paris and opened up fully half

City Games Disney Europe

And after half an hour away on the highway, France, Germany no city
Games Iorb famous Disney (Walt Dizin) In the city, there are Disney Land
Five or six hotels at various levels, restaurants and all the services and also
The Games for all ages where senior and junior


There is no arabic in Paris restaurants offering dishes which Arab Restaurants
Upscale very like Diwan Restaurant, which overlooks the Seine River

There are in the neighborhood south of the capital Alatyna a neighborhood where Arabs live from
North Africa, from Morocco and Algeria

Most of the tourists are Arabs from bays and who prefer to walk throughout the period
Evening in the Champs Elysees Avenue between mobile cafes and fine restaurants

Street or Avenue Champs start of several ways gathering or main streets converge
At the roundabout at the Arc de Triomphe gate and then you end street to the roundabout basket field
Epehriah old where most often or are held by national and military parades

Walking and touring

Walking on the street, this is where the truth pleasure broad sidewalk and shops
Big high-end people crowded the day and night
Paris paved roads in the ancient stones, giving a distinctive and attractive Antbaa
When the tourist as well as the beauty of its buildings and homes and old age which up to some
For three or four centuries, as well as there is a distinctive buildings Speaking

An idea of ​​the price

For Asarefha very expensive, especially in the Champs Elysees area where the
Venjal coffee price up to the limits of almost $ 12 in the cafe Alfokih

Where the famous Eiffel Tower and the Louvre museum and gardens under the tower ...

The best ways to get to Disney City Games is the rarest Ground


Champs starts arch victory

ARC DE TRIOMPHE and a height of 110 meters to Ayasl if Talaath

Panorama gives you the Canzalise in the grandest of it


Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower .. the highest place in Paris .. height of 276 meters, and looked to him only by elevator and stairs (BAA Hin) and is open from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock at night ..

Louvre ..
Of the most famous museums in the world and its location behind the Place de la Concorde at the end of Elly Canzalise .. and the months of the plate .. who is the Mona Lisa ..

Defense arc or not Devans Grande Arche de la Défense bow this Sayer in exchange for the Arc de Triomphe, but in a remote location

Montmartre or Munmachtg Butte Montartre & Basilique du Sacre Coeur

Munbagnas montparnasse and these tallest building in Europe to rise to 209 meters Ayasl and the restaurant overlooking the entire Paris (Glad Paljlob ??)


A length of 13 kilometers Islands where tours on ships in the river takes its name Batimoh Vic .. roll on the river and the ships where the restaurants where Ashoh hit Rayeq


Disneyland Paris Disny Land Paris

It is located 25 kilometers from the center of Paris .. The estimated Trouh her ​​car or by train or bus .. Aldisney area is a full resort .. I mean, where received, gardens and amusement hotels and restaurants such as Planet Hollywood .. For amusement first Matdkhalha received McCain sells name Fast Pass cards Fast Pass

Asterix Parc Asterix theme park

Beautiful parks and away from the center of Paris, 36 km

Aqua Aqua Boulevard Boulevard City Water magnificence .. for adults and children



Paris many gardens hair of my head, but Bnzkr months Alhaúq contained therein

Jardin du Cham de Mar Jardin du Champ de Mars

Forest Bologna Bois de Boulogne
These are not the jungle airport scheme !! (Aaina the analogy) rave in the woods
The midst of gardens and lakes .. and play football where Aamehla

Parc du Parc de Moncesu Minso
This garden Rayeq strongly ..
And its location in the north of Canzalise

Tileirah Jardin du Jardin Des Tuileries garden where humans and sweet !! It is from Canz Elysees Dzbilh (before)
And the sweet amusement city ..
Plant a garden


... But the most famous market in Paris is located Alqaleri Lafayette GALERIES LAFAYETTE
It is in the area or the Paris Opera 9 on Boulevard Osman Street boulevard Haussmann .. consists of seven or eight Eduar..oafath of text at 9 am to 7 pm .. The text of this market in anything .. Horn ups !! This is what we know about Halsouk

Some French words traded

(Of course, instead of adults and ra ta b V)
Bonjour: Bonjour, good evening: Bonsuar, how are you: Common Sava
, Okay: Takgibian, to the meeting: Aorovoar, Goodnight: Bonn Wei,
My name is glamor: hay I mean Joe Mabel glitter, speak French: Baglifo
Fgansa, please: torrent Fu BLE, very much: Migsa Boko,
Well: Dacourt, yes: Wei, do not: No, excuse me: Xakyuzmoa, sorry:
Bardon, Kevkm: Common Alifu 0.1: Online 0.2: Du 0.3: Troyes 0.4: Cutter
0.5: tongue 0.6: Cees 0.7: Lucite 0.8: Wet 0.9: Nov (Aamehla Halno.)
0.10: Dis, Couched Bashovikm: Anchantah Dovovoar, I: Moi, you:
Just, is: Il, days from Saturday to Friday: Zamudi, Dimanche,
Lindy, Mardi, Mircoda, Judy, Vantroda.


Elly Legge Paris and socket with traveler's checks .. Usually Thomas Cook
Or American Express ..mchklh shops and restaurants in Paris many Mayatervon
In traveler's checks ..many Halkalam you Ibelk transformation into Cash ..
If I walked ordinary tellers Beachdo commission, and most of them take their 3% ..lkn
Estimated transformation without a commission from the company who Petrdja the guardian for your checks ..
Thomas Cook branches scattered everywhere Canz Elysees, but the three
Branches of them !! And the opera who know where the two ... As for the American
Express Hdhula ills but a few branches near their branch is located in an area
Opera and receiving a large and clear status .. and Asrauwenhm present in the basement of the center ..
But Matnssa answer your passport if Jett acted !!! If you answer no to prove the second
Mayatervoa .. necessary passport

Mobility in Paris

Either by subway or taxi .. Metro first Chi is shown
Circus line and station who Etbi Tmchelha Then cut almost remember the price
The text of 1 euro and connects you to place Elly and Mark Horn ... aimed ticket if entered ..
Because the police sometimes monastery inspection campaigns on the ticket if the ticket Malqgua
Sin entered in and Jim and Mark .. .. their tactics of pickpockets in large ...
The taxi from morning 7 to 7 evening Tsairth differ from after 7 pm
In the evening .. Of course, in the evening will be the most expensive !! and you are prohibited from any stopover
.. Place to take it off when needed Altkasa position and received a plaque reading TAXI
Pejic and stopped underneath the taxi ..

I advise you to visit restaurants:

Le Grande Cafe Restaurant Le Grand Cafe in the Opera area and restaurants
Elly open 24 hours, a specialist marine cuisine and devour Khiaaaaaaaaaala

Hippopotamus Restaurant Hipbotamo specialist plastics US and snacks ..
Which has branches in large and one in the Off Canzalise Street and in the
Opera area before Alqrand Cafe and many other

Maxim Maxim restaurant's Rue Royale Street from sour restaurants of hand
Prices, but that His Excellency tells means Maalih words ..

Entrecote restaurant .. the two types of Entrecote restaurants in Paris and one luxury
But once Aafath only after 6 pm the evening and frankly what I remember the street name
But I call juices Street Ashan restaurants in large .. a fork in the road
Francois first ... and the second type of Entrecote Restaurants find on this
Each shop .. and famous dish Alantrcot who is Hraih Steak and fried potatoes
Thieves and yellow color in a password Hatabkhh and restaurant Maigdm but Hatabq

France for Foreign

Name: French Republic or France
(French: République française or France)
Capital: Paris
Official Language: French
System: Federal Republic of
Currency: EUR CNN and FBI francs (EUR)
Time difference: +1 (UTC)
Dial code: +33+
International Internet code: .fr
National motto: Liberté, & Eacute; galité, Fraternité (Liberty, equality, fraternity)
Alnchedalutunai: [to Amarsezo Almarcelih Arabic (French: La Marseillaise)]

History of France 

France occupies the country's most current space upon which the country Galh (Gaule) with Celtic origins. Became the country Galh then a Roman province. Germanic tribes came to the area around the fourth century. One of these tribes settled and the region known as the Franks. With the demise of the Romanian Empire gave the tribe its name to the country (France) later.

United the region covered by France today for the first time in 486 AD. King Clovis I (Clovis Ier) BLM Germanic tribes included under the banner of the tribe of the Franks. New Kingdom included several tribes such as Alolaman (Alamans), Albergndion (Burgondes) and Algot Westerners (Wisigoths). After the unit broke Kingdom (which was called the country's Galh) to kingdoms, sentenced each of them the children of a family Almirovengiyn (Mérovingien). United the region covered by France today for the first time in 486 AD. Frenki King Clovis I (Clovis Ier) BLM Germanic tribes included under the banner of the tribe of the Franks. New Kingdom included several tribes such as Alolaman (Alamans), Albergndion (Burgondes) and Algot Westerners (Wisigoths). After the unit broke Kingdom (which was called the country's Galh) to kingdoms, sentenced each of them the children of a family Almirovengiyn (Mérovingien).

Middle of the eighteenth century replaced Alcarawlingiyn strain (Carolingiens) replaces Almirovengiyn (Mérovingien) and has expanded the Frankish kingdom land.

Kingdom became the Frankish empire with the coronation of Charlemagne (Charlemagne). Department of vast empire of Charlemagne in 806 between the three-Pepin Sons, and Louis, and Charles. But Pepin died in 810, and Charles in 811, leaving only these sons of Louis, and was busy in worship Anamaka appeared with him is that he ought to govern a world full of turmoil and treachery. However, Lewis first despite this may raise the ceremony in the majestic 813 from King to Emperor.

And after the death of Louis I divided the Frankish kingdom again. Two of these kingdoms Amrta, the Kingdom of East Vrinkea (Francia orientalis) formed later Germany and the Kingdom of Western Vrinkea (Francia occidentalis), which accounted for France. In 842 AD the descendants of Charlemagne contract section of Strasbourg in Strasbourg (serments de Strasbourg). This document is the decade of the oldest written documents contrasting bilingual (Altodask and Romans) at the time. Some historians in France this document is holding the official birth of the country as well as France and Germany.

Alcarawlinjeon rule (Carolingiens) Frankish kingdom until the year 987 AD. This year has been the culmination of Duke Hugh Capet (Hugues Capet) king of the country and replaced so a new strain is a strain Kabacin (Capétiens). The last descendants of the land to expand the scope of property (le domaine royal), and tightened the new pillars of the state since the 12th century. Kabasah dynasty ruled France directly or through other branches until the French Revolution in 1789 AD.

After the French Revolution, has been dropped and the Royal Proclamation of the Republic. With the establishment of the first French Empire dominated almost the entire Europe. These efforts have scattered forces the French state in the face of the first enemy of the United Kingdom. During the era of the Second Empire (Second Empire) knew the beginning of the country's industrial revolution. Solutions with the Third Republic (troisième République) France became a colonial empire owns a wide stretch from Africa to Asia.

Despite the exit from the war victorious World Wars I and II. The latter cost a great loss of human lives and economic resources. France was lucky Banzmamha the Western camp. The country has known a significant growth period during the three decades that followed the war (30 glorieuses).

Since 1958 and with the establishment of the Fifth Republic (Cinquième République) became the country's democratic presidential system (The president is elected by the people and enjoy greater) powers. The goal was to withstand the storms that have defined the country before and that did not work in the republic's parliamentary system stopped.

Since year 1990, then allowed reconcile cooperation of Germany and France for the two countries to play a role in the new engine of the European construction. I knew the two policy success with the founding of the European Common Market. Today France is leading the movement want to give Europe greater political role in the world.

Geographic France
While the main part of France is located in Western Europe, France also consists of land in North America, the Caribbean, South America, Western Indian Ocean and the South, the North and South Pacific, and Antarctica (not recognized by most countries).

France possesses a wide variety of landscapes, ranging from the coastal plains in the north and west, where the juxtaposition of France North Atlantic Sea, to the mountains in the south-western region and the Alps in the south-eastern region, which contains the highest point in Western Europe (4810 meters). In the middle rocky and wooded areas of high density, in addition to the destruction of the river basin.

Because of its divisions behind many seas and lands scattered in all the oceans of the planet, France has the second largest Special Economic Zones (EEZ) in the world, covering 11,035,000 km 2, just behind the United States Special Economic Zone (11.351.000 square kilometers), and by region Special Economic Australia (8.232.000 square kilometers). France special economic zone covers about 8% of the total surface of each special economic zones of the world, while the only area of ​​the French Republic area 0.45% of the total land area of the Earth

Government and Politics
Was approved constitution of the Fifth Republic by a public referendum on the September 28, 1958. This Constitution limits the powers of government (executive branch) in front of the parliament (legislature). According to the constitution is elected President of the Republic to the custody of the five-year term (the period is 7 years). The president thanks to his powers ensuring the functioning of the public authorities and the continuity of the state institutions. The latter appoints the prime minister, also chairs the meetings of the government, leads the armed forces and conclude agreements.
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) is the first legislature in the country. NPC deputies are elected (Algriqh first) every five years. Senate (Sénat) -algrfah second of parliament, and its members have since the year 2004 the custody period of 6 years (she was 9 years old). This Council limited powers. In the event of disagreement with the initial first room given the National Council.

Economy in France
France's economy integrates the work of a free comprehensive (about 2.5 million registered company). The government maintains a great influence on the major pieces of the infrastructure sectors, the king of the majority of the railway companies, electricity, aircraft, and communication. The government is slowly liquidate shares in France Telecom, Air France, as well as insurance, banking, and defense factories.

France, a member of a group of major industrial countries, ranked the fifth largest economy in the world economy in 2004, after the United States, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. France joined 10 other members of the European launch of the euro on January 1, 1999, with the European coins and banknotes, which replaced the French franc fully in early 2002.

According to a report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED), in 2004 France was the fifth-largest exporter of manufactured goods in the world, after the United States, Germany, Japan, and China, (but before the United Kingdom). She was also the fourth-largest importer of manufactured goods (after the United States, Germany, and China, and by the United Kingdom and Japan).

Also according to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (OCED), in 2003 France was a member of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which got more foreign direct investment. B US $ 47 billion in foreign direct investment, France ranked by the United States (US $ 39.9 billion), the United Kingdom (US $ 14.6 billion), Germany (US $ 12.9 billion), Japan (US $ 6.3 billion).

At the same time, French companies invested 57.3 billion US dollars outside of France, making it the classification of France as the second most important outward direct investor in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), after the United States (173.8 billion US dollars), and by the United Kingdom (55.3 billion US dollars), Japan (US $ 28.8 billion), Germany (US $ 2.6 billion).

France is also the second largest producer in the country for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (except Norway and Luxembourg). In 2003, the GDP per Saahaml in France 47.2 US dollars, which ranked France after Belgium (US $ 48 per hour), and by the United States (US $ 43.5 per hour), and Germany (US $ 40.6 per hour), and the United Kingdom (US $ 37.7 per hour), and Japan (US $ 30.9 per hour).

Although the production rate is higher than the United States, GDP per capita of France is lower than the US GDP per capita. In fact, in 2003, 41.5% of the French population are working, compared to 50.7% in the United States, and 47.3% in the United Kingdom. This phenomenon is the result of thirty years of massive unemployment in France, which led to three results reduce the size of the working people: about 10% of the population without work; students are delaying their entry into the labor market whenever possible; and give the French government's various incentives to workers to retire early Khmsinathm, with currently it subsides.

Many economists also stressed repeatedly over the years that the main issue of the French economy is not the cause of the production rate. In their view, is the core issue of reforms, in order to increase the number of public employees.

With more than 75 million foreign tourists in 2003, France classified Kalatjah first tourist in the world, by Spain (52.5 million) and the United States (40.4 million). As for France cities have a high cultural interest (such as Paris), and the beaches and seaside resorts, and ski resorts, and rural areas enjoy the beauty and tranquility.

France is the largest independent power Western countries because of the heavy investment in nuclear power, which makes France the smallest producer of carbon dioxide among the seven most industrialized countries in the world. Large areas of fertile land, the application of modern technology, and the collection of European subsidies have made France a leading agricultural producer in Europe.

Education in France
France enjoys a prestigious education reputation, universities French famous Btakrejeha scientists have won the Nobel Prize, with that university education is different in France stages for the rest of the world, we find BA Awalmitris (Licence / Maîtrise) in the first phase of the university which are equivalent to Bachelor Degree or (Bachelor) in other countries, and a certificate of advanced studies Diplôme d'études approfondies) DEA) in the second phase, which is equivalent master's degree or (Master) known. There are many countries that apply the French model of higher education, such as Switzerland, Belgium, the Canadian Francophonie some areas, and some Arab countries such as Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon.

Also differs from the French model of university dividing universities to departments and colleges on a digital basis or alphabetical by county, we find, for example, the University of Paris (University of Paris 1 Sorbonne 0.2 Paris Asesas, to No. 13, Paris North), the university and has more than 300 000 students. And each college, such as a short name (IEP) and Political Studies (HEC) business and economic graduate or known (Business School) in Anglo-Saxon countries.

There is a modern university agreement between the European countries, known as the Convention on the Bologna (Bologna), this agreement aims to unify the systems and the names of all undergraduate degrees in European universities to facilitate the transition and the work of students and graduates in the EU measures

Few hotels and restaurants in Egypt

Most hotels and restaurants 

Accommodation in Egypt 

Egypt has venues where the needs are available at all levels and ranging levels of hotels with five-star hotels to the star, as well as some tourist villages in addition to the presence of young people belonging to some provincial houses as there is in all the major hotels and business centers to meet Sayeh needs of the guest out, in addition to many of the centers commercial scattered all over the republic, which is concentrated mostly in the downtown area and the following statement regarding the hotels and tourist villages in Egypt.

Hotels and tourist villages 

Aswan - Ismailia - Luxor - Alexandria - El Arish - Hurghada - Cairo - short - Port Said - Dahab - Safaga - Sharm el Sheikh - Taba - Marsa Matrouh - Nuweiba.

Epypt's Map of transportation and transmission of tourists Egypt

Map of transportation and transmission of tourists

Road to Egypt - Goa

Egypt's major airports

Egypt in 6 major airports:

Cairo International Airport (two showrooms arrival)
Alexandria: Nozha Airport
Luxor, Upper Egypt
Aswan, Upper Egypt
Hurghada, Red Sea
Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai

Cairo Airport

Is the busiest airport in Egypt and can be reached direct flights from most major airports in Africa, Asia, America, North, and the cities of European, it's the best way to enter Egypt and enjoy seeing the scenery amazing to Cairo, the Nile and the pyramids of Giza from the plane.

From the airport:

Cairo can be used limousine, taxi, bus, the cost of using a taxi back to the distance Ststqlha and the number of passengers and baggage and also negotiation skills.
If you use a taxi, the cost of the trip ranges from 40 to 45 pounds (per trip rather than per capita) as it also depends on the bargaining skills.
And available buses and mini-buses from the airport where visitors less to Tahrir Square, engineers and pyramids, Giza, but I prefer the lack of independence of government buses are often crowded too much.

Road to Egypt - by sea

Egypt's main ports

Alexandria, the Mediterranean
Port Said, Mediterranean
Damietta, Mediterranean
Suez, the Gulf of Suez
Nuweiba, Gulf of Aqaba
Hurghada, Red Sea
Safaga, Red Sea
Sharm el-Sheikh, Red Sea
You may find some ships linking Alexandria and some European ports such as Istanbul (Turkey), Etbirius (Greece), Venice (Italy), on the Adriatic international lines, it is best to scan it with your travel agent or delegate the following:
Adriatic lines, Castro & Co. 0.12 Talaat Harb Street. Phone: 5743213, 5743144 (passenger and freight) Egyptian Maritime 0.26 Sheriff Street. Phone: 5776709, 5759085, 5759166.

Touring in Egypt - Cairo


Sir is in Cairo in itself is great fun, and certainly faster, but make sure you know the way back, or remembering some signs in the way of the Circus can easily return.


Metro ticket starts at a minimum of 75 piastres (about $ 0.15) as the price of the independence of the metro to nine stations, there are now two lines of subway in Cairo, the first of the lawn and even Helwan in 32 stations, and the second from Shubra through editing to Giza, opens Metro doors usually in the sixth am and closes at midnight.


Going almost buses in most areas of Cairo, and even though the bus independence is not suitable for tourists, but some prefer independence to seek fun and excitement, is the independence of the bus, which is characterized by either white black and red or white and blue is not suitable for tourists because the bus usually do not stop at all stations except for the rise of passenger or another descent. Otherwise, the young riders find jumping out of the bus when it was traveling best, which requires high skills and fitness is not too bad, especially since the bus drivers in the habit marching at high speeds, making it difficult to catch them Alyalsaúh.
There are some important guidelines for tourists:

Bus No. 400 from the airport to the editor.
Bus No. 900 and 913 of the liberation of the pyramid and the Mena House.
Bus No. 174 from the editorial to the castle and the Mosque of Ibn Tulun.
There are air-conditioned buses which is best suited for the use of tourists:

No. 355 from Cairo Airport to Al-Ahram
And No. 357 from the field of the martyr Abdel Moneim Riad to Heliopolis.

Mini and Almkrobasat

Mini-buses are a public service owned by the government and its lines and stations, and tickets are known. Minibuses are the private sector and the service stations do not have known a little bit higher and the prices of the mini-buses of the public sector and that was the easiest and quickest.


Since most visitors and foreign residents prefer to use taxis in the internal movement, it's better for them to be prior knowledge systems taxis in Egypt. For example, prefers not to take taxis from hotels are often much more expensive than taxis that roam the streets of Cairo in the Bible, while the cost tourist fifty pounds for the independence of the ordinary taxi to the airport hotel taxi cost one hundred pounds.
The cost of using the taxi does not necessarily depend on the distance always intervene time and the number of passengers and luggage, and the traffic situation in this calculation.


Limousines are considered somewhat of a luxury for other means of transition. But it is not much more expensive, limousine Egypt, for example, cost 55 pounds for the half-day .searat Limousine good cars and their drivers are always speaks English.

Curfew in Egypt - outside Cairo

Cairo despite the charm and beauty, but the visitor will find himself compelled to get out sooner or later to enjoy the charm of other cities, and after all the noise of Cairo in search of tranquility in rural Egypt, and here are some ways to move to the outside of Cairo.


It is a wonderful alternative for some trains and other means of transport, which are often more expensive. Trains:
The other, a quick and cheap way to get out of Egypt but nonetheless limited in the north and south of Egypt, along the Nile River, Port Said, Alexandria, the canal, Luxor, Aswan and some small stations among major stations.
Must reserve chairs and first-class cabins in advance of the main station in Ramses Square.


It is, of course, the fastest to get to your destination, a monopoly on the only domestic airline which EgyptAir, which can be contacted on 3900999 or 3,902,444.
Prices of airline tickets from Cairo to the Egyptian tourist cities.

Cairo - Aswan: US $ 335 for foreigners and 335 pounds for the resident.
Cairo - Hurghada: $ 263 for foreigners and 279 pounds for the resident.
Cairo - Luxor: US $ 243 for foreigners and 259 pounds for the resident.
Cairo - Sharm El Sheikh: $ 277 for foreigners and 287 pounds for the resident.
Affiliate companies tourism buses (Super Jet)
It is a very convenient way, but relatively more expensive, for example, a trip to the pyramids cost 40 to $ 50. He can be contacted companies to see the tourist attractions Albrmdj available.

Taxi and Limousine

It is the perfect service for those who want the comfort and privacy. You must know the visitor destination and make sure that the driver knows, too, and this service is not necessarily the most expensive.

Car Rental

Must for tourists that has an international driver's license at the age of 25 years, at least in order to lease a car in Cairo, the availability of the passport must be prepaid.
The price of a private car rental in Egypt depends on the type and model of the car in addition to the duration of use.

Terms entering Egypt

There are two ways to get an entry permit to Egypt first is that you get this statement from the Egyptian diplomatic consulates abroad, or get this statement when you arrive at an airport or Egyptian ports.
This authorization is valid for only three months if your passport is still valid as you can get a multiplier permit term, this permits the disposal of anyone except diplomats They are given a maximum of only thirty-day permit, either if you want to stay for a longer period of work or living in Egypt then you have to get an extension to this statement from within the country and not necessarily from the outside.
Conveyers for passports listed below do not ask them entry permit when coming to Egypt and these nationalities are Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates. And also diplomatic passports campaign from Argentina, Bosnia, Italy, Malaysia, Malta, Singapore, Slovakia, Turkey does not ask them entry permits. Arrivals to the Sinai and Taba to visit Gulf of Aqaba or St. Catherine may not ask them entry permits granted while the establishment for a period of fourteen days of wandering in the area permit.
Must be registered visitors statements in police stations in less than 48 hours from entering the country, and this application is canceled for US and British nationalities and most of the European countries, so would prefer a review of such a law with hotels and tourism companies to determine the applicability of the laws according to the nationality of the visitor.
Extension of entry permits and pay fees by a visitor in the old classical building named (Liberation compound) and is located in the southern part of Tahrir Square in central Cairo. The complex of works 8:00 am to 3:30 pm except on Fridays, the official holiday. Entry permit form of the compound will cost about 15 pounds, most ordinary forms costs about 30 pounds, but the forms, which cost 60 pounds is the entry forms to extend the residence permit in Egypt.

Cash transactions

Egyptian pound is the official currency in the country, and contains the Egyptian pound 100 penny, as there are currencies from category 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 100 pounds, and there are 5, 10, 25, 50 penny and coins 5, 10, 25 piasters.
Egyptian ports provide either air or marine numerous facilities to change the currency in addition to the provision of ATM machines, and the visitor can change money in any place in Egypt, very easily, even in border areas such as Sinai.
There are also some international banks in the Sinai, such as Thomas Cook Bank in Sharm el-Sheikh, as most of the Sinai hotels Home offers currency exchange service and are often more expensive than original price, as easily accept checks of foreigners in most Egyptian cities, as well as Visa and accepts checks, American Express in a manner wide.
Useful credit cards for easy handling with ATM banks and ease the withdrawal of cash, but not all places in Egypt accept the deal with a credit card as a method of payment methods and some of them would rather be a payment in cash, credit cards are used heavily in the major hotels and resorts In the book diving and tourism programs flights used more in the payment of exorbitant bills such as hotel bills and rental diving and training courses for diving tools

Nature Reserves in Fayoum

Nature Reserves in Fayoum 

Lake Qarun 

Lake Qarun is located in the northwestern part of the province of Fayoum, one of the oldest natural lakes in the world, a remnant of the ancient Lake Morris remaining, and characterized these protected the existence of significant geological formations scientifically and historically, and by a variety of vegetarian groups, and are flocking to a lot of migratory birds and resident, has been discovered fossils of mammals reserve due-old to about 10 million years, as the featured fossils oldest monkey in the world and some of the fossilized trees, and there are some areas of archaeological Pharaonic, Romanian, Coptic (such as churches region - Temple goldsmiths - Temple Karun Palace -) as well as there are some plant fossils and animal.

Wadi Rayan 

Located in the southwestern part of the province of Fayoum consists Wadi Rayan from the upper lake and lower lake, and the waterfalls that reach between the lakes, and the eyes Rayyan south of Lower Lake, and the area of Mount Rayan, a region surrounding the eye, and the Mount retained, which is located near the bottom of the lake.
Features and Wadi El Rayan desert its environment integrated with its sand dunes, natural springs and plant life and different animal variety, as well as marine fossils, as is the waterfalls area of different marine sports areas .. and no reserve, 15 species of wild animals, the most important (Ghazal White - Ghazal Egyptian - Fox funk - Fox sand - wolf) as several types of hawks there are
Natural mechanisms in the Red Sea

Almnjarov protected forests in the Red Sea

The reserve is located between latitudes 22-27 and longitudes 23-37.
And there are forests where many of the turtles and rare plants grow.

Reserve cabled

Location: Located between latitudes 23-35 and longitudes 30-34.

Properties: there are many plains and plateaus where they grow rare plants and animals.

Aldoab protected

Location: Located between latitudes 22-23 and longitudes 35-36.

Properties: contains plains in many marine plants and rare animals.

Reserve Gebel Elba

Location: Located between latitudes 10-22 and longitudes 22-36.

Properties: and is a box containing a mountain which rises 1437 meters above the sea surface and is covered by forests and trees abound and where plants and rare animals and birds.

Valley Beauty protected

Location: Valley of the beauty of the area is 6 to 40 km south of Marsa Alam, a new nature reserve after the end of legal proceedings.
Download the map of natural reserves to maintain.

Alazarnic Balbrdwyl protected

Zaranik wetland Mediterranean Basin Reserve belong and occupies an area of ​​250 km 2 eastern part of Lake Bardawil is located 35 kilometers west of the city of El-Arish and 120 km from the Suez Canal, and includes protected: Lake Zaranik islands of sand inside and along the barrier sand, which is separated from the Mediterranean Sea to the north, where relate Bbogazy Zaranik and Abu Salah lies protected within the scope of the area around the wetland to the east and south is also located in the scope of two historic sites are: Filossiat and Alkhuynat areas and receive Zaranik protected nearly 270 species of migratory birds from Europe and Asia in the seasons migrations towards Africa, and these birds: Alhurcar / White Pelican / Alepesharush / heron / wading birds / gulls / hooks / quail / pasture / Alabalq, also live 7 types of resident birds, including permanent residence: Almka / jokes / Abu warheads Alexandrian / small hook.
And varied wildlife in the reserve where the spread in water lake fish and marine micro-organisms and sea grass grows on the sand about 155 species of plants and herbs pastoral and natural (such as: Alosmam / tribe / Adr / broom / Almtnan / Algrdq / chin Gin), and live in the protected range ground objects, including 19 species of mammals (Calerbua and Alguenalfd and Fox funk and never had sand) and 24 species of reptiles (such as: lizard sand / Alsagnkor / reclamation / sued mountain / chameleon / Alorl / live Alqraa) in addition to the Egyptian wild tortoise, as protected is the most important breeding sites tortoiseshell amphibious two types: green and a large head.
And has been inserted Zaranik protected under the Ramsar List of the world, and are currently being implemented maintenance of wetlands and coastal Mediterranean Basin and regions Project The project aims to achieve sustainable development in the protected scope of the exception to reconcile the interests of the local population and considerations to maintain the nature reserve, offering protected range of services including places of camping and control kiosks and reserve, there is a museum and a conference hall.
Group of oases
Oasis word used often to describe the place where the worries of everyday life memorable and Mchagaha and relax and rest for your renewed. This description applies to the oases of Egypt, as it is a haven for pure air rights to resort to escape from the hassles of modern life, and the manifestations of civilized middle of the desert. Surrounded by sand and sky from every side Vilashy sense of time and the associated tension, and this is something rare in this time. Human nature has coexistence here since the Stone Age, but the stars and rock formations and sand dunes defy human accounts of the time are not affected by it. Egyptian oases characterized as the most versatile and the oases of the world, each with its own character and where I lived, you enjoy the calm that characterizes the life of the Bedouins, and palm trees and towers bathroom. If you're looking for excitement and adventure, you should explore the majesty and grandeur of the desert camel ride or do safaris by jeeps and spend your night sky twinkling star mused, or diving in the morning in the eyes of phosphorous hot waters and soils with many therapeutic properties.
And are available in beautiful areas in St. Catherine, Mount Moses and Dakhla Oasis, Kharga, where interested tourists to monitor the animals in the desert and migratory birds from one place to another, as this type of tourism in the mountains surrounding the area of ​​Sharm el-Sheikh is available, providing tourism and tents companies and equipment necessary nomadic life until tourists can to experience this life, which combines the simplicity and harshness of the desert mountain nature

The discovery of 11 mummies in the Bahariya Oasis, Egypt

Archaeologists discovered the Egyptians working in the Bahariya Oasis in Bawiti 11 new mummy, mummy, including a child at the age of three years.
Also found a golden mask embodies case was the subject of crying on the baby's face, which confirms that the child's parents, who were buried with him had died before him. Hawass pointed out that the importance of this discovery lies in the masks are installed on the face of the mummies excavated.
It is the first time that the Egyptians where prospectors found mummies embody expressions of the faces. He said that the history of the discovered mummies dating to 1800 years ago, and specifically the Greek era Romania. It is believed that the city of the dead discovered in Bahariya Oasis includes ten thousand mummy, discovered 300 of them so far.
The mummies of the 11 members of the extracted one family, installed on all masks embody the image of the mummy in the last moment of her life. It embodies a face masks decorated woman cosmetic colors, her eyes broad Mekhaltan Two-Line, which proves that the family is rich.
In the neighboring region to the family tomb, the researchers found my father's coffin and Bahariya governor who buried five hundred years before the birth of Christ. Date back all the mummies discovered to the twenty sixth dynasty pharaohs.
Bahariya Oasis covers an area of two miles square cemetery, dating back to 330 and 400 BC. These mummies were buried when he lived in the city about 500 thousand people, while the population of Egypt in that period amounted to seven million people.
Nature Reserves Paswan

Saluja protected and Ghazal Islands

The reserve is located within the Nile River, about 3 km north of Aswan Reservoir is a very unique and distinct natural green environment Peixaúha.
It is also a shelter for many rare birds resident and visitor and immigrant, as these protected feature about 94 species of plants, has been limited to more than 60 species of rare and endangered birds, some of them recorded by the ancient Egyptians effects such as black ibis. And endangered birds: chickens and punishment Alsnaria purple water that have great utility in cleansing the environment of agricultural pests and decaying remnants.
Among the resident and visiting birds: Bittern and Hoopoe and Egyptian geese, bee and bird of paradise and the nightingale and others.

Wadi Allaqi protected

The reserve is located 180 km east of Aswan, and spans the valley 275 km long with an average width of one km, this protected the advantage of being considered a fertile area of basic research, particularly those related to studies of geology, animals and plants, have been recorded about 92 species of evergreens and annuals such as : Alklkh and Handal and Alcino and siwaak and others. And 15 species of mammals, such as goats and camels, wild ass, gazelles, hyenas, and others.
As you live 16 species of resident birds such as falcons and bustards and partridges and vulture and punishment, ducks, ostriches and other. This is in addition to some types of reptiles such as snakes and scorpions, as characterized by a large number of invertebrates, most of which live under shrubs such as ants and beetles, which have an important role in the ecological balance and fertility of the soil, has been the reserve is included under the list of biosphere reserves under the auspices of the Organization UNESCO.
Protected also aims to preserve the genetic resources of plants, animals and birds, and the emphasis on sustainable development based on sound environmental grounds.

Natural tray protected

Mount is located tray (1437 meters) in the far south-east of Egypt corner, and is characterized as facing North winds laden with moisture that condenses in the form of fog on a cold climate and high mountain slopes, allowing the existence of many trees, including Alonept tree of which there are outside the box area in Egyptian desert ..!
Abound in the valleys mussels Lalob trees in abundance, which is the fruit of high medical benefit, we also find runny trees in unusual density more closely resembles the open jungle, and live on this dense trees bird Lanius pink chest, a bird resident does not exist in Egypt, but in the tray area .. !

Ras Mohammed National Park

Located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba in the southern part of the Sinai, about 12 kilometers from Sharm el-Sheikh and include examples of the most important geologic features in the Sinai, which is considered the most beautiful diving areas in the world to the existence of fossils by dating back to 75 000 in addition to the richness of coral reefs The neighborhoods have been converted Albraih.oukd Ras Mohammed area into a nature reserve in 1982.

Ecotourism and nature reserves in Egypt

Ecotourism and nature reserves 

Natural reserves in Egypt
And characterized the environment in these reserves abilities and special talents beyond the scenic beauty of the sea and the mountains and the edge of the desert, is scheduled to be eco-tourism will witness the birth of a project of the Red Sea converted to a nature reserve run Bssahelh which extends for more than a thousand kilometers will be the second largest marine protected area in the world has became the establishment of nature reserves and protect international demand because of these natural reserves of importance in maintaining the natural biodiversity of that diversity that keeps the continuity of life on the planet.
There are Egypt (23) protected to date, including a protected valley of the Tigris, which are exposed to attacks and violations threaten its continuation as a nature reserve can not compensate for the unique components in any way.

And include a unique sequence of geological models for the short historical record up to about 600 million years ago and these reserves are: -

Ras Mohammed National Park and the islands of Tiran and Sanafir

Located in South Sinai and away from the city of Sharm el-Sheikh 12 km, and is famous for its coral reefs and colorful fish and sea turtles, birds and mammals and marine animals, one of the most beautiful diving areas in the world.

Zaranik protected marsh Bardawil

Located in North Sinai Governorate on 25 km west of the city of El-Arish and represents one of the main keys to the migration of birds as well as a number of birds, is also characterized by the presence of several environments (regions marshes - sand dunes and Gharwd - wet) land.

Bush protected

Located in the northern Sinai in the sand in the form of tape on the Mediterranean coast of el-Arish and even the international border in Rafah in the east Gharwd, and containing dense spaces and huge numbers of trees Acacia, shrubs and grasses, making it a natural resource for the pastures and woods and shelter for animals and birds and a source of stabilization of sand, water and sand in the soil .

Brigadier protected

Located in the province is on the northwest coast, 3 km west of the city of Alexandria, about 200 km to the east of the city of Matrouh, and feature a vegetable medley of plants medical and wooden plants cover also the types of animals and numbers of birds, insects and snails.

Natural reserves tray

Located in the Red Sea province in the southeastern part of the Eastern Desert and is famous for the differences in environmental regulations and diversity in plants and animals, birds and reptiles.

Saluja and Ghazal protected

Located in the province of Aswan in the course of the Nile River, about 3 km north of Aswan Reservoir and is characterized by vegetation, a shelter for resident and visiting birds and migratory.

St. Katherine Protectorate

Located in South Sinai on a high plateau surrounded by high mountains, one of the most important religious tourism areas where there is the Monastery of St. Catherine and his church and his library, a mosque inside the monastery due to the Fatimid era and the shrine of Nabi Saleh and the Prophet Aaron and Wadi comfort and Wadi forty and the mountains of Moses and Abbas Sefsafa and the highest peak mountain in Egypt (Mount Catherine and a height of 2637 meters), and there are a number of plants, animals and birds.

Gemayel Ostom protected

Located in Port Said governorate at a distance of 7 km west of the city of Port Said on the coastal road, while the tennis Island Lake Manzala is located within a distance of 7 km to the southwest of the city of Port Said, and include Tel tennis archaeological excavations and the effects of the Ayyubid period. And characterized by the presence of a variety of protected ecosystems station for migratory birds and is considered by the types of fish.

Lake Qarun protectorate

Located in the province of Fayoum in the northwestern part of the Wadi El Rayan, one of the oldest natural lakes in the world and the remainder of the old Lake Morris, and the important geological formations and plants a variety of old and fossils such as fossil oldest monkey in the world, also contains the Pharaonic and Roman ruins, and there is the lake a number of fish .

Reserve and Wadi El Rayan

Located in the province of Fayoum in the southwestern part of Fayoum, composed and Wadi El Rayan from the upper lake and lower lake and waterfalls area, which reaches between lakes and the eyes Rayyan south of Lower Lake District Mountain Rayan, a surrounding the eye and the Mount retained near the lower lake features and Wadi El Rayan environment desert full of sand dunes, natural springs and plant life and wild animals as there are types of birds.

Protected Wadi Allaqi

Located in Aswan, 180 kilometers southeast of Aswan, the Valley extends 275 km and an average width of one km and aims to maintain protected genetic resources of plants, animals and birds. Characterized as a protected area for scientific research and there are a number of plants and mammals, also has a number of birds, reptiles and other vertebrates.

Protected valley Assiouti

Located in the province of Assiut, in the southern region of the Delta Valley strange area, and this is considered as a protected plant breeding and propagation of wild animals and plants threatened with extinction. And is characterized by its proximity to protected endangered medicinal and aromatic plants germplasm.

Dome good protected

Located in Giza province on the road to Cairo / Alexandria Desert, and is characterized by a complex geological installed, which is part of the installation of Abu Rawash due to the Cretaceous component of a series of domes and Almqarat. To reserve importance to learners of geology km to the plant Celsola Baku, a dwarf shrub vegetation has pastoral importance.

Petrified Forest Reserve

Located in the Cairo governorate, 18 km east of the city and North Katameya Maadi / Ain Sokhna road. It consists of sedimentary layers of sand, gravel and clay, petrified wood, and these sediments rich in the remains of trunks and stems of huge fossilized trees is about 35 million years old, and is the region's geology impact there is rarely seen in the world.

Cave protected valley puss

Located in Beni Suef province, 70 km south-east of the city built Sopf and characterized by the presence of geological structures known Balsed and stalactites of alabaster formed over millions of years, and due-old to about 60 million years old, The importance of the cave to the scarcity of these natural formations as they represent a great importance for researchers .


Located in South Sinai Governorate, in the area between Taba and Sharm el-Sheikh and Wadi or infection, characterized by coral reefs and marine organisms and sea grasses, deserts, and there are a number of animals and migratory birds and resident.

Abu Galoum protected

Located in South Sinai Governorate, on the road between Sharm El Sheikh and Taba area called the Valley Alrsash. Featuring a special protected Btabogervaih where the mountains close to the beach and have a variety of ecological systems of coral reefs and marine organisms and sea grasses, deserts and mountains, which is rich in wild animals, birds and plants, making it a tourist attraction.

Taba protected

Located in the South Sinai governorate in the south-western region of the city of Taba and characterized geological formations and archaeological sites, which up to the age of about 5,000 years, in addition to rare wildlife and landscapes and magnificent traditional heritage of the Bedouin residents. Includes protected geological structures and caves and mountain passes and valleys and a network of some of the natural eye and a number of mammals, birds and rare species of reptiles and plants.

Borollos protected

Kafr el-Sheikh Governorate, located northeast Rashid branch relate to the lake across the Nile River Bermbal Canal and the Mediterranean Sea through the strait Borollos and spreads the lake island of about 28, which is the second largest natural lakes in Egypt and the multiple sources of biological diversity. There is a number of lake environments and on the coasts, there are sand dunes, and these environments are considered a natural place for terrestrial and aquatic plants and birds migrans reception.

Reserves Nile River Islands 144 Island

Studies indicate that the Nile River Islands provinces of Egypt different number is (144) island located in 818 villages and the Nag center within the 15 counties and the city of Luxor (Aswan - Qena - Sohag - Assiut - Minya - Beni Suef - Giza - Cairo - Giza - Menoufia - Western - Kafr el-Sheikh - the lake - Dakahlia - Damietta). These islands are distributed from Aswan until Delta Barrages (55 Island), and Rosetta Branch (30 Island), and Damietta Branch (19 Island) The islands area of ​​approximately 155 km 2, and there are those islands organisms from wild animals and plants, which must be preserved.

Protected Wadi Degla

Located in the Cairo governorate east of Maadi in the Eastern Desert, and is one of the important valleys that stretch from east to west length of about 30 km, and this valley sang excavations, and has the Tigris Falls in some places formed as a result of Sacrifice factors and the region a set of caves inhabited by bats. The valley includes a range of animals and species of resident and migratory birds and plant life and is characterized by different types of valley certain geographical nature and aesthetic manifestations of which represents a unique educational and cultural and recreational importance
Ecotourism Fayoum Governorate
Met Fayoum environments natural three kinds (Coastal - Agricultural - desert) together in beautiful harmony on the land of Fayoum ordained so wonderful image is only available in Fayoum, especially if it is in the context of environmental purity and climate and location featured on the itinerary tourist near the capital, with availability traces of ancient civilizations that lived in Fayoum and left their mark on the land since the beginning of creation until now.

Coastal areas

Constitute the coastal environment in Fayoum fundamental attraction for tourism in Fayoum element where coastal areas accounted for 8% of the Fayoum territorial space, characterized by the presence of two lakes, one is Lake Qarun and is one of the natural lakes, which acceded to the World Natural Heritage, and the second lakes and Wadi El Rayan industrial and canal Joseph Sea, Lake, and each of these private lakes and wildlife filled the activity on the population and the types of fishes Dftiha outstanding.

On the coastal environment landmarks

Lake Qarun

20 kilometers from Fayoum, 80 km from Cairo, and is considered one of the ancient natural effects as the last remnant of the ancient Lake Morris and has an area of ​​53 thousand acres and depth ranges between 5 meters in the east to 12:00 in the West, and allow them the opportunity to engage in water sports and fishing and bird watching, as it comes from a group of migratory birds each year, and the most important period for hunting Balsnarh is the period from June to September, and the most important fish species in Lake Qarun (Moosa - Altobar - mullet - Digger - tilapia - bream). . It is located on the coast, the southern range of facilities and tourist villages such as (Auberge Fayoum Hotel - Panorama Hotel Shakshuk - Oasis tourist village - Cafeteria Pearl - Plage cafeteria lake) .. and on the northern coast there and Greek and Roman Pharaonic effects represented in (the palace chapel).

Is a modern artificial lakes with an area of ​​30 thousand acre range, and is considered one of the natural reserves in Fayoum, famous Bashlaladtha natural eyes and plant collections and formations multiple geological, and the most important species of fish that live in them (peel whiteness - whiteness - mullet - tilapia - carp - Alhnchan - catfish) .. as Tamha groups of migratory birds, allowing Sports birdwatching b, the addendum to the mathematics safari .. and can be accessed by (Fayoum - Cairo) double to Shakshuk, then by measuring the coastal deviation left from Tunisia area to lakes and Wadi El Rayan and according to the signs indicative list of the region.

Tourism in Fayoum coastal environment

Met Fayoum environments natural three kinds (Coastal - Agricultural - desert) together in beautiful harmony on the land of Fayoum ordained so wonderful image is only available in Fayoum, especially if it is in the context of environmental purity and climate and location featured on the itinerary tourist near the capital, with traces of ancient civilizations that lived in Fayoum and left their mark on the land since the beginning of creation, and yet provides which allows enjoy especially of tourism, including: - the kinds.

Tourism surveillance of migratory birds.
Bird hunting tourism, according to the rules of the environment.
Balsnarh fishing tourism.

Wildlife sanctuaries in Fayoum natural

Migratory birds

Characterized Mahaat Fayoum natural in lakes Qarun and Wadi Rayan existence of types of resident and migratory birds that are frequently Tuadha during the winter and are available so Tourism Bird Watching and Tourism hunting birds, according to the rules, regions and types determined by the environment, and the most important types of migratory birds in Fayoum (Khadrawi - Alkourky - Zarqawi - Pelican - poet - WAC - Chaos - catfish - Algtis - Elderberry - rare falcons).


Because Fayoum desert surrounded from all sides so it is rich in flora and fauna of ingredients that live in the desert, especially the rare white deer.

Rural areas

Renowned for Fayoum as a desert oasis and it Switzerland of the East, and it is paradise Aloariqh shadows, where the cultivated area in Fayoum, 26% of the Fayoum area, and the total number of workers in agriculture where 67% of the population and the largesse of the types of crops and famous fruit, also famous for its wonderful nature and tranquility granulated outstanding environmental industries and folklore inherent .. It was to include the territory of Fayoum and being located below sea level big impact in the emergence of weirs on the course of Bahr Youssef, was with a breathtaking view of tourism and of benefit to agriculture where Dart by waterwheels and windmills to pay water and bore them electricity when Hdarat Azab.

Natural eyes (eye Alsellaan), (appointed poet)

Normal eyes, gardens, mills and Hdarat water towers and bath, and a group of tourist areas, including (chalets Alsellaan - Cafeteria flower beach - Cafeteria appointed poet - Cafeteria village roundabout) and away from the city of Fayoum, about 9 km.

Bahr Youssef

Bahr Youssef Canal is that supply water Fayoum direct Conveniently near the Nile when Dirout and Taatkhadd in Fayoum form a summary of the Nile Delta and Boade flowing into Lake Qarun name, as it is the artery that was credited in the reconstruction of Fayoum and the spread of life on both sides.

Growl cab drivers

Unique Fayoum existence of cab drivers growls an old irrigation machine spin strongly push water from the weirs, which are considered family irrigation works throughout the year and are made from wood local trees .. There Fayoum, about 200 legs spread in the fields on the waterways understanding weirs sites, and there is this kind of Runnels in Egypt but in Fayoum .. has taken Fayoum Sakia slogan recognition of its important role in the irrigation of agricultural land and is accessible and can be viewed Square Qarun in Fayoum.

Desert environment

Fayoum close similarities oasis, where hedged desert from every side except her contact point Nile .. So the desert represents 62% of the area is rich in Npadtha and formations and geological mountains and hills and deserts and valleys and natural eyes, birds and wild animals rare, and the desert to the north of Lake Qarun announced and around lakes Wadi El Rayan and nature reserves due to the containment of the environmental and natural ingredients are rare.
And allow tourism in Fayoum desert safari tourism, sports tourism, medical tourism, eco-tourism and cultural tourism to visit the ancient sites of excavations effects and pre-human prehistory and the Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian effects in the region.

Safari in Egypt


Egypt has a desert and mountainous areas of many fun and adventure for tourists amateur provide safari and this kind of tourism is provided for tourists at Mount Saint Catherine, Mount Moses, and oases inflows and outflows, and Ain Sukhna, where interested tourists to monitor the animals in the desert, and migratory birds from one place to another, also available in this type in the surrounding area of ​​Sharm el-Sheikh, where the mountains tourism companies provide the necessary tents of nomadic life and equipment so tourists can experience the life that combines the simplicity and power of the mountainous nature of the desert, the city of Safaga, which is characterized by chains of mountains and desert.

Safari tourism in Sinai
The province has land desert variety boasts mountain chains of different colors and shapes stunning addition to having many wonderful beauty oasis that permeates the mountain oasis Ferran and salt also has medical plants are rare, such as herbs and some wild animals and birds unique and rare ... also serve deserts of South Sinai in many regions for the establishment of automobile and bicycle races.


Nuweiba embraces most of the sea and the many places to practice sports desert, camel rides and safaris, scuba diving. Nuweiba, located about 85 kilometers north of Dahab between the Gulf of Aqaba and the mountains of the high desert. In the past have led this city great and important role for Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
Apart from the main city of Nuweiba is divided into two, Nuweiba Taraben (two kilometers north of the city) and Nuweiba Maziana (seven kilometers to the south), and is generally known for the magnificent beaches of this small resort.
And are available in beautiful areas in St. Catherine, Mount Moses and Dakhla Oasis, Kharga, where interested tourists to monitor the animals in the desert and migratory birds from one place to another, as this type of tourism in the mountains surrounding the area of ​​Sharm el-Sheikh is available, providing tourism and tents companies and equipment necessary nomadic life until tourists can to experience this life, which combines the simplicity and harshness of the desert mountain nature.
Safari in the Red Sea
Safari desert Red Sea a special charm because of its mountains and a series of clean sand and oases unique and her family as well. The working groups to carry out these trips and be a way to move Moumusiklat are specially equipped for this purpose so that they have a leader or Dlad know the desert routes and barbecues are the work of Oasis in collaboration with the people of Oasis.

Action safari areas

There are many areas that are the work of the desert safari in the Red Sea Governorate. This area where each company specialized personnel, as well as locations and agreements with the Bedouins to organize trips and concerts attendant. For more details see companies and centers safari desert Red Sea Governorate

Tourism festivals in Egypt

Tourism festivals 

The importance of tourism festivals
Egypt organized numerous festivals that are popular rally of the most important of the Third International Song Festival, the International Festival for fishing in Port Said, the First International Festival of Equestrian, International Marathon Egypt III in Luxor race, cycling race Rally of the Pharaohs, Al-Ahram International Championship Squash.
The festivals of the most important means of tourist attractions and the media for the return of its great economic return on the countries of the Organization for these festivals Egypt and organized numerous festivals that are popular mass of the most important tourism and shopping festival.
And tourism festivals, one of the elements of tourism promotion sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism in order to diversify the vocabulary attractions to our country, and highlights the Cairo International Song Festival scintillating amid the many events that comprise the Egyptian tourist agenda where keen every year on the concerts include a diverse selection of high art in music and singing, ranging from what is an Egyptian, Arab and foreign satisfy the different tastes of arrivals of tourists from across the Arab world and foreign
Tourism festivals Kafr El-Sheikh

Panorama Nile Kafr El-Sheikh

Open Theater amid greenery and charming nature and will be held by the day and evenings musical and lyrical folk art festivals and brass.

Green Room Kafr El-Sheikh

And is held by a variety of art exhibitions and renewable .. (Fine Arts decoration and handicrafts Nan..tsoar embalming and drawing).

Land exhibitions Kafr El-Sheikh

Said large tourist Street 51 Ptqatah with Mohamed Metwally Street (row 4) on the mainland with a 6000 m2 area and includes 19 exhibition space, each 120 m 2 and two sets of Provider Services Hall.
Is held by a variety of exhibitions are also held annually by the technical presentations and popular for visitors to these exhibitions.
Tourism festivals in Ismailia

Spring Carnival

Which is held annually the night of Easter: the participation of all bodies and institutions, companies, clubs and neighborhoods work Flowers vehicles going in a beautiful parade, as well as performances for schools and technical teams and band weddings in the governorate where living city in the festival has a special character also held some competitions such as the selection (Princess Strawberry - beautiful twins - the most beautiful decorating eggs - the most beautiful bouquet coordinate (Zhor..ogerha).

International Festival of Folk Art

Involving technical teams from various countries around the world reflect the habits of peoples and civilizations, and performances are held in the province clubs are also held at theaters in public places as well as some of the presentations to be held in the neighboring provinces such as (Port-Suez-Cairo).

Experimental theater festival

The Palace of Culture and is held with the participation of the play of the various governorates of the Republic difference.

Festival artistic provinces

Also held Palace of Culture and the participation of the technical teams of the various governorates of the Republic

Museums Tourism in Egypt

Museums Tourism 

The museum is not a place for entertainment only .. It is a place that combines culture, education and entertainment, and the inventory of his goal and purpose of the entertainment is a disadvantage to his message, which establishes a "culture museum" or "museum awareness" .. It -as defined by "international museums organization" ICOM, a professional organization international was founded in 1948, aims to increase the level of workers in museums and unify Jhodhm- "Institute noncommercial works on community service and development, continues and displays all respect to human beings and the environment for the purpose of study, culture and fun, and is open to the general public and various levels."
The museum and then one of the means of communication, which is an educational institution does not comply with certain enacted, the Foundation maintains a humanitarian, historical and natural heritage, as well as entertainment and tourism side, so most of the countries concerned with the establishment of museums; to preserve the history and heritage.
The museum is our window on the past, and has the ability to connect the past culture has been largely unable to express them about books or drawn in the mind of the reader, it is sufficient, for example, watching a particular statue or papyrus or an old machine even aware of her scenes extent to which the ancients of progress.

Egypt has a large number of museums, which are an important component of the tourist attractions in Egypt, including: -

The Egyptian Museum

The first Egyptian museums establishment year (1279 AH = 1863), unique set archeological Pharaonic wonderful and has a quarter-million artifact tells the history of ancient Egypt, the Geological Museum of the year (1319 AH = 1901), Coptic Museum year (1326 AH = 1908).

Museum of Islamic Art

Islamic Museum was established in (1298 AH = 1881) featuring the rarest and the greatest collection of artifacts and relics and treasures that have been creativity in the light of Islamic civilization and comprises about eighty thousand masterpiece of porcelain, pottery, glass, crystal rock, fabric and carpet, metals, jewelry, wood, ivory and precious stones.

Jewel Palace Museum

Featuring ancient throne room and some furniture pieces from the era of Muhammad Ali as well as many of the Islamic relics.

Manial Palace Museum

Built on an area of ​​the center of the Arab-style garden containing 30 acres of trees and rare archaeological museum contains Islamic manuscripts and textiles embroidered in addition to the rare collections of carpets and crystal glassware and candlesticks.

Greek Museum

Includes a large number of art historical value that artifacts dating back to the era before Christmas is found in Alexandria.

Aswan Museum

It features a collection of relics found in Aswan and Nubia, including the mummy of the sacred ram god Khnum.

Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum

Inspired by the work comprises of the ancient Egyptian civilization museum, is the most important artifacts left by Mahmoud Mokhtar Egyptian Renaissance carved from granite, primarily in the face of Cairo University.

Museum of Fine Arts

Includes a large number of works of sculpture, photography, architecture.

Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum

Production featuring masterpieces from the French school and the most influential museum's holdings of paintings, bronze sculptures and photography and a wide range of metal antiques, glassware and a group of Japanese antiques Lucky.

The Egyptian Museum of Art

Featuring modern Fine Arts.

The Coptic Museum

Of the most important cultural institutions that preserve its heritage and the Coptic museum includes 14 thousand artifact enrich the heritage of Coptic art in the world.

Mahmoud Said Museum in Alexandria

Includes a large number of his works in painting, which earned him an international reputation in the field of Fine Art.

Royal Jewelry Museum in Alexandria

Was held in the Palace of Fatima Zahra Ziznaa District, a rare architectural masterpiece includes many wonderful paintings and rare statues and ornaments, as well as a range of jewelry Muhammad Ali dynasty rare and precious halls.

Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria

Famous museums in the Alexandria Museum of Fine Arts, and has a collection of works of art, ranging from drawings that represent rural life to the surrealist paintings, and exhibitions of the work of contemporary artists: Egyptian and world-class on a regular basis, as is held every two years, Alexandria Biennale.
Featuring works of sculpture, photography and architecture and is held by many of the exhibitions of foreign artists and Egyptians Almasrien, and oversees management of the museum to organize Alexandria Biennale, which is held every two years and brings together arts Mediterranean countries.

Institute of Aquatic Biology and Museum in Alexandria

There Anfoushi area next to the Citadel and includes a rare collection of fish and aquatic.

Military Museum

Inside the Citadel of Saladin in Cairo, which contains models of weapons, clothing and pictures of soldiers Egypt military battles fought by the Egyptian people since the days of the Mamluks until the sixth of October 1973 war.

Maritime Museum

Established within the historic Citadel in Alexandria and includes in its contents Heritage summary submitted by Egypt to humanity through its navigation of civilized values ​​of precious and additions in the fields of knowledge and the arts and economic activity and trade exchange as well as the maritime glory that recorded by Egypt on the ages and formed a national heritage of the nation at all times.

El Alamein Museum

Includes all types of weapons used by the Germans and the British in World War II and has a three-dimensional models and pictures of battles and leaders of the operations of all the Axis powers and the Allies There are also some other museums such as: Nagy Museum and the Museum of railway building Egypt station and has more than 100 model of the means of ancient and modern, and the Museum of Mansoura transport and is located in Dar Ibn Luqman Donshway Museum and the Museum of mail and wax Museum.

Sinai Heritage Museum

This museum seeks to preserve the local heritage in the North Sinai Governorate compilation and documented.
It features sections specializing in all branches of this heritage, namely:

Department of Agricultural and traditional tools.
Department of wood and pottery and brassware.
Bedouin poetry section house and homes Alareicheh.
Artisan Production Department (Alaclmh / textile / handloom / dresses / Almtrosat / traditional local crafts and industries).
People's Department of Medicine.
Listening and viewing section (movies / video / prints / cards / library and documentaries).

Egyptian Agricultural Museum

Egyptian Agricultural Museum

Is one of the largest museums in the world where agriculture represents in ancient times, which allows the visitor to identify the evolution of life in the Egyptian countryside.
There is in Giza in Egypt, a -hmal neighborhoods "Doki" This is a huge museum, which includes 7 large museums located, and larger than 30 acres (125 thousand square meters), opened for more than 60 years, the first agricultural museum in the world, It has thousands of exhibits dealing with the history of agriculture in Egypt since the early beginnings of human steps on the land of Egypt, and even the present era.
A decision was made on the day of its inception (18 Jumada II 1348 AH = 21 November 1929 m) to establish the Egyptian Agricultural Museum Bsoeri Princess "Fatma Ismail," donated by the Egyptian University.
Been received Serail and processing, including suits to be a museum, and opened the museum at (15 from a November 1356 e = 16 January 1938 AD) and he was in the beginning, "the first Fouad Museum agricultural", and was designed to record and display the evolution of Egyptian agriculture, as the Egypt of the country prestigious in the field of agriculture, the Egyptian and played a major role in the development of agriculture and invent their equipment.
Agricultural Museum reached an area of ​​about 30 acres (125 thousand square meters), including museums and buildings occupy about 20 thousand square meters, and the rest of the museum garden area includes multiple types of rare trees and plants, and landscaping; in addition to the parks on the pharaonic style.
The museum owns anecdotes value does not exist anywhere in the world, including the presence of extinct plant does not exist only in the museum, a plant "Barads" which is sacred to the Pharaohs, where the museum leaves and fruits of this plant and the leg keeps.
The museum also houses Mjursca (machine for grinding grain) dating back to 15 thousand years, and hundreds of photographs, and a large number of paintings and Almakaitat past that make you live and you between her hands.
Includes Agricultural Museum -halaa- seven museums using the latest display modes, and in ways that scientific upscale in terms of lighting, air and the view, because the majority of the exhibits in the museum of the organic materials that react with moisture and light, so I used some modern devices to address some of the radiation types in "Vatrinat "premiere, and devices to absorb moisture scientific methods minutes. The display the museum's holdings in accordance with the scientific and historical method; where the exhibits were chosen to complement the picture painted by trying every museum or delivered to the visitor or specialist.

Ancient Egyptian Agriculture Museum

This is the latest and most important museum in the world museum tells the history of Egyptian agriculture from the prehistoric age to the end of the Pharaonic era, has established a new building for the museum, opened in (7 from a November 1416 = 26 March 1996 m), and consists of two floors.
The museum includes three thousand artifacts, including some extremely rare effects, such as: plant "Barads" extinct, and the coffin of a child dating back to BC by 3 thousand years, before the prophet of God, "Moses," peace be upon him more than a thousand years, and the remnants of the bones of sentences dating back to five thousand years, and a small silo to store grain dating to 8 thousand years, and a crocodile Indigo mummified with a length of 5 meters, and the mummy is extremely rare for Ghazala mummified, and wheat in the ear, dating back to more than a thousand years before the prophet of God, "Joseph," peace be upon him and leaves Brady, pens Pharaonic writing on papyrus, and bread and pies, including stuffed Baltin of wheat flour cake dating back to 1500 BC, and textiles are rare, such as a piece of woven-called "air dress" or royal fabric which features carefully weaving, smoothness, and indicates expert and engineer, "Mohamed El Akkad," head of research at the museum that this tissue was testing the quality of the Pharaohs through pass through the entire dress ring, but the tissues subjected to punishment.
The museum also houses some of the cartoons since the Pharaohs, and a circular royal prohibiting beneficial animals hunting in the fight against agricultural pests, and play old children, and a knife rarely stone flint, rare collection of baskets, ropes and "sandals" pots and crops. There are museum hall Dioramat embodying some scenes of harvest and agriculture in ancient Egypt. It also established a garden in front of the museum on the pharaonic style.

Agriculture Museum in Greco-Roman and Coptic and Islamic

This museum presents the second episode of the development of agriculture in Egypt after the ancient Egyptian Agriculture Museum, which covers the historical period stretching from (332 BC) to the nineteenth century. Faced with this Pharaonic museum's garden, the basin water by bulrush, and contains a wooden axes of the Pharaonic era, and axes made ​​of bronze from the Roman era, and a weapon rarely to plow from the Greek era, and pottery rare some dating to before the birth, and bladders rare was used in extraction of butter from the Roman era, and some weave ancient linen tools, and skull buffalo from the Islamic era; as the Muslims are the ones who brought the buffalo to Egypt, and the mummy dog Mkvna enough for us a wonderful return to BC, and skeletons of a dog kept in the wax of the First Dynasty (3000 BC M.), and stuffed fish.

Scientific groups Museum

This museum is the main core agricultural museum, a Princess "Fatima Ismail" Palace, also called "Animal Museum" and "Wax Museum", and consists of two floors, and putting the lives of the rural community and related industries and the habits and occasions and fashion, through statues depicting that life, and chambers of land and water, such as the High Dam of Aswan reservoir compartment, and animal models of devices, and common diseases among human, animal, and insect groups, and a variety of maps.

Museum of the plant kingdom

This museum includes performances for all field crops and horticultural species, have been building this museum, and he took a year (1354 AH = 1935), and consists of two floors, and has compartments for wheat and barley, and the lobby of the loaf, and the Chamber of corn, rice, onions and garlic, and agricultural machinery, and photographs of agricultural operations. The upper floor of this museum Fajss fiber plants such as flax, and lobby for pulses and fodder, and room for sugar cane, fruit, and vegetables, and anthropomorphic model of the ancient Egyptian Agricultural months.

Arab lobby

This was opened in the lobby (17 of zero 1381 = 30 July 1961 m) and includes holdings of Syria on the agricultural and rural activity, such as handicrafts, fabrics, and some oil paintings.

Cotton Museum

This museum was opened in (24 Rabi 1417 = 9 September 1996 m) and oversaw outfitted expert engineer "Mohamed El Akkad." This museum is unique and there is a group of the rarest genetic origins of Egyptian and foreign cotton, and equipped with the latest display modes.
The museum consists of two floors with great, and has a map of Egyptian cotton that have emerged since 1918 varieties, and pictures of some celebrity employed cotton, and statistics on cotton and dates of cultivation area, in addition to 10 showrooms major cover cotton thread historically, scientifically, and a number of manuscripts for cotton, which manuscript is due to (79 m).

Antiquities museum

It is the third museum is created in the agricultural museum in the period from 1990 until 2002, and consists of two floors and includes a "Makita" microcosm of the agricultural museum, and museums included by, and a statue of Princess Fatima, and cannons old since 1889, and paintings are rare, and works Arabesque, and the painting of all museum directors, and a number of rare antique collectibles distributed (21) chamber width, which covers the period from the Roman era and until the twentieth century.